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Exactly as a Joint award, but each institution produces its own degree certificate and transcript due to juridical requirements or issues with recognition of a joint certificate. The UCL degree certificate for a double/multiple degree includes the wording This degree is awarded by UCL as part of a joint Double/Multiple Degree programme with [partner]. The UCL transcript will mention the partner institution as another teaching institution. The transcript will not list the modules taken at the partner institution, but will include the following text instead [number of credits] have been gained at [partner institution] as part of the double degree programme. Students undertake the major part of a UCL programme and of a partner institution programme with overlapping curricula allowing for the programmes to be taken together in a shorter time than it would take to complete the two programmes separately; a separate qualification is awarded by each institution. Each institution produces its own degree certificate and transcript. It may be the case that each qualification is mutually contingent on the other, i.e. the student cannot be awarded one without the other. If the UCL award is contingent on the degree awarded by the partner institution (normally the case for undergraduate degrees), the UCL transcript will mention the partner institution as another teaching institution as part of a dual degree programme. The transcript will not list the modules taken at the partner institution, but will include the following text instead: [number of credits] have been gained at [partner institution] as part of the dual degree programme. If the UCL award is not contingent on the other (normally the case for Masters degrees), the partner institution will not be mentioned on the լƵ certificate nor the UCL transcript. The qualifications may be at different levels. Each institution adheres to its own regulations and policies with regard to its own qualifications, but there will need to be clarity in terms of the credit transfer between institutions and overlap between policies and processes as a result of this.Students undertake two separate awards one with the partner and one with UCL, without overlapping curricula. The student transfers to UCL/partner to complete the other award, and the credit from the UCL award may count towards the partner institution award, but the partner award does not normally contribute towards the UCL award. Each Institution awards its own degree. Each Institution produces its own degree certificate and transcript.Students undertake one programme, which is jointly developed and delivered by UCL and another institution; one qualification is awarded by both institutions. One of the institutions is normally appointed as the Lead Institution to be responsible for the majority of administrative and operational support for the programme. The degree certificate for a joint award includes the names, crests and signatures of both parties and is normally issued by the lead institution in a format agreed by both institutions. Students undertake one programme that leads to a UCL award only and the UCL regulations, policies and procedures apply to the programme and oversight of all provision is always maintained by UCL. A jointly delivered programme is, however, designed, developed and delivered in collaboration with another institution, with whom the teaching activities for the programme are equally, or close to equally, shared A jointly delivered programme can be referred to as a joint programme in advertising material, but it should always be made clear that the programme only leads to a qualification awarded solely by UCL or by the partner institution.Students undertake one UCL programme, a part of which is delivered by another institution or other institutions. The programme leads to one award conferred by UCL. The level of contribution from the other institution(s) can vary from teaching a number of modules for a programme designed by UCL to providing facilities to a part of the programme or contributing to marketing and recruitment of the programme. Oversight of the programme and the activities provided with contribution from the partner institution is always maintained by UCL.The whole programme, or a major part of a programme, are delivered in a location away from լƵ campus by UCL staff, who also carry out all aspects of assessment. Flying Faculty/off-site partnerships may, however, also be Jointly Delivered or be combined with Teaching/Programme Contribution from the partner institution. International partnerships in this category are normally referred to as flying faculty whereas similar partnerships in the UK can be referred to as off-site.BenefitsCapitalises on student recruitmentEnhances student recruitment; can widen participationEnhances student recruitment and experience; brings expertise from two institutions to develop a programmeEnhances student recruitment and experience; enables students to undertake two qualifications in a shorter time than it would take to complete the same qualifications separatelyEnhances student recruitment and experience; enables students to undertake two qualificationsHigh-status relationship with appropriate partner; enhancement of student experienceHigh-status relationship with appropriate partner; joint design and delivery without regulatory complexities involved in joint award programmesCan help build a relationship with a partner; enhances student experience (e.g. brining industry expertise onto a programme)Can enhance student recruitment; opens up access geographically to UCL programmesRisksLow-medium: quality of students; quality of partner; monitoring of partner provision and student achievementLow: expectations of students at partner institution; no clear expectation of minimum/maximum recruitment; monitoring of partner publicityMedium-High: close working relationship between the partners; reputation of partner; consistency between UCL and partner institution; maintenance of academic standardsMedium-high: quality and quality assurance of partner; reputation of partner; monitoring of student progression and achievement at partnerLow-medium: quality of students; quality of partner; monitoring of partner provision and student achievement; UCL award is made by UCL without credit from partnerHigh: complex working relationship between the partners; reputation of partner; consistency between UCL and partner institution; maintenance of academic standardsMedium: quality of partner staff involved on programme; quality and quality assurance of partner; reputation of partner; clarity in marketing a jointly delivered programme not leading to a joint awardLow-medium: quality of partner staff involved on programme; If relevant, quality and quality assurance of partner; reputation of partnerLow-medium: country and venue where programme is being delivered; teaching facilities; accessibility issues for disabled students; level of involvement of partnerFinancial arrangementsPartner may pay a fee to UCL; this should be set out in formal agreementNone as no commitment to take studentsFinancial arrangements (sharing of income, invoicing arrangements) to be set out in formal agreementFinancial arrangements to be set out in formal agreement (normally students pay standard fees to each institution directly)Financial arrangements to be set out in formal agreement (normally students pay standard fees to each institution directly)Financial arrangements (sharing of income, invoicing arrangements) to be set out in formal agreementFinancial arrangements (sharing of income, invoicing arrangements) to be set out in formal agreementFinancial arrangements (sharing of income, invoicing arrangements) to be set out in formal agreementFinancial arrangements to be set out in formal agreementStudent entitlementsStudents have no UCL entitlements while at partner institution; they have normal UCL entitlements while enrolled at UCLStudents have no UCL entitlements while at partner institution; they have normal UCL entitlements while enrolled at UCLStudents enrolled at both UCL and partner institution, and have the normal entitlements of both institution unless otherwise agreed in the formal agreementStudents enrolled at both UCL and partner institution, and have the normal entitlements of both institution unless otherwise agreed in the formal agreementStudents enrolled at both UCL and partner institution, and have the normal entitlements of both institution unless otherwise agreed in the formal agreementStudents enrolled at both UCL and partner institution, and have the normal entitlements of both institution unless otherwise agreed in the formal agreementStudents enrolled at UCL and have normal UCL entitlements; students will normally also have entitlements at the partner institution whilst registered there as set out in the formal agreementStudents enrolled at UCL and have normal UCL entitlements; students will normally also have entitlements at the partner institution whilst registered there as set out in the formal agreementStudents enrolled at UCL and have normal UCL entitlements; students may also have entitlements provided by the partner institution as set out in the formal agreement   Note: UCL does not engage in validating other institutions degree programmes or in franchising UCL degree programmes to be fully delivered by other institutions.      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