
Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies


IAMS Archaeometallurgy Student Bursaries: call for applications

2 February 2022

IAMS Archaeometallurgy Student Bursaries: call for applications

IAMS Archaeometallurgy Student Bursaries:

call for applications


The Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies (IAMS) invites applications for two student bursaries for postgraduate studies in archaeometallurgy leading to a master’s degree in archaeological science. Each bursary is worth £10,000 and may be applied to tuition or subsistence costs at either the or the

Application procedure

Any candidates accepted for the MSc in Archaeological Science: Technology and Materials at UCL or the at Cambridge are eligible for bursaries with the condition that they express a commitment to write a dissertation on an archaeometallurgical topic. Interested candidates should either include reference to the IAMS bursary in their applications or submit a brief statement of intent (max 500 words) to Mike Charlton.

All applications will be assessed on the combined basis of academic merit and statement quality. Students are welcome to suggest their own dissertation topics at the time of applying, but this is not a requirement.

Deadline: 31 March 2022

Any enquiries about the bursaries may be directed to Mike Charlton (m.charlton@ucl.ac.uk) or Marcos Martinón-Torres (m.martinon-torres@arch.cam.ac.uk).