
Institute of Archaeology


UCL Archaeology colleagues nominated for Current Archaeology 2023 awards

1 December 2022

Mike Parker Pearson and Dominic Perring (UCL Institute of Archaeology) have been nominated for Current Archaeology awards for 2023.

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Cladh Hallan: exploring the roundhouse way of life in South Uist has been nominated for Research Project of the year 2023 in the annual Current Archaeology Awards

'Vote Now' square image with silver and red backgrounds and white and black writing

The project, co-led by Mike Parker Pearson, is probably best known for prehistoric mummies buried underneath roundhouses, the first evidence for mummification in Bronze Age Britain, but excavations there have also illuminated intriguing Bronze Age and Iron Age domestic activity. 

500 years of household debris preserved in house floors have been uncovered, spanning the Bronze Age to the Iron Age. 

For the people of Cladh Hallan and prehistoric Britain, the practical was rooted in the spiritual and given form and meaning by their circular world.

Cladh Hallan: roundhouses and the dead in the Hebridean Bronze Age and Iron Age – Part 1: stratigraphy, spatial organisation and chronology, published by Oxbow Books (£35, ISBN 978-1789256932), is the first of two volumes about this excavation by Mike Parker Pearson, Jacqui Mulville, Helen Smith, and Peter Marshall.

London in the Roman World by Dominic Perring has been nominated for Book of the year 2023 in the annual Current Archaeology Awards

London in the Roman World 'Vote Now' image with red and grey background and white and black text

Despite being the largest and perhaps best understood city in Roman Britain, London receives only a handful of mentions in historical sources, with what we know about the city coming almost entirely from archaeological evidence. 

Dominic Perring’s volume, Roman London (Routledge, 1991), was the standard reference for nearly 30 years.

In his new book, Dominic provides an accessible narrative of the city and its archaeology, surveying its origins, fluctuating fortunes, and eventual fall. Dominic’s decades of work in the city shine through, with him employing evidence from antiquarian discoveries through to still-unpublished modern excavations.

London in the Roman World, Dominic Perring, published by Oxford University Press (£40, ISBN 978-0198789000).

The Current Archaeology Awards celebrate the projects and publications that made the pages of the magazine over the past 12 months, and the people judged to have made outstanding contributions to archaeology. The awards are voted for entirely by the public and voting is open until 1 February 2023.

The winners of the 2023 Current Archaeology Awards will be announced on 25 February as part of the Current Archaeology Live! 2023 event, which the UCL Institute of Archaeology is co-organising this year and is being held at the UCL Institute of Education. Early Bird tickets are available until 1 January 2023.

Current Archaeology Live! 2023 event logo red text on a white background
The Keynote Speaker at the event is Shahina Farid, former Field Director and Project Coordinator at the Neolithic site of Çatalhöyük in Turkey, currently scientific dating coordinator for Historic England and also an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the UCL Institute of Archaeology, while research presentations will be given by current staff including Stuart Brookes and Corisande Fenwick.

Congratulations to Mike, Dominic and all the nominees. Don't forget to vote!

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