
Institute of Archaeology


Inspired geoarchaeologies: past landscapes and social change

3 April 2023

A volume of essays in honour of Professor Charles A. I. French, co-edited by Manuel Arroyo-Kalin (UCL Institute of Archaeology), is now available.

A brown book cover with a central image, a drawing in coloured pencils of a bare slope affected by rain and another of a fence in a trench acting as a dam

Geoarchaeological research captures dimensions of the past at an unprecedented level of detail and multiple spatial and temporal scales. The record of the past held by soils and sediments is an archive for past environments, climate change, resource use, settlement lifeways, and societal development and resilience over time. 

This volume, edited by Federica Sulas, Helen Lewis & Manuel Arroyo-Kalin, presents research and reflection from across the globe by colleagues in tribute to Charly, under whose leadership the Charles McBurney Laboratory, at the University of Cambridge, became a beacon of geoarchaeology.

Manuel, who gained his MPhil in Archaeological Science and PhD in Archaeology at Cambridge, is interested in the Anthropocene, Human Niche Construction, and Historical Ecology and uses earth science approaches, including soil micromophological analysis, to study past anthropic landscape modification and anthropogenic soil formation.

Further details

Podcast with Manuel

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This podcast was recorded during a period of lockdown in the 2020-21 academic year.