

Institute of Archaeology


Adrian Popescu - Honorary Senior Research Fellow

Name: Adrian Popescu

Honorary Title: Honorary Senior Research Fellow

Email: ap345@cam.ac.uk

IoA staff nominator’s name and email address:

Kris Lockyear k.lockyear@ucl.ac.uk


Adrian has more than 25 years’ experience working in the heritage and museum sector, having organised and managed over 10 exhibitions and associated activities. Together with Dr Lockyear he gives practicals for the ‘ARCL0015 Roman Coinage’ course and a class for The archaeology of the later Roman Empire. With Dr Lockyear, he isa co-director of the Noviodunum Archaeological Projectbased at the Institute of Archaeology.


Selected recent publications

  • A. Popescu, M. Gaimster, ‘Coins’, in R. Brown et al., Excavations at Stoke Quay, Ipswich: Southern Gipeswic and the parish of St Augustine (East Anglian Archaeology. Report No. 172, 2020), pp. 209-212.
  • M. Gaimster, A. Popescu, ‘Grave 20135’, in R. Brown et al., Excavations at Stoke Quay, Ipswich: Southern Gipeswic and the parish of St Augustine (East Anglian Archaeology. Report No. 172, 2020), pp. 230-231.
  • A. Popescu, ‘Byzantium-Histria: Un exemplu de „die-sharing” și câțiva stateri de tip Lysimach histrieni nepublicați’ (Byzantium-Histria: A Die-Sharing Example and Several Unpublished Lysimachus Type Staters of Histria), Cercetări numismatice, 23-24, 2017-2018, pp. 19-26.
  • A. Popescu, ‘Noi date numismatice privind istoria Dinogetiei romane şi bizantine (New numismatic data regarding the history of Roman and Byzantine Dinogetia), Cercetări numismatice, 18, 2012 (2017), pp. 15-23.
  • A. Popescu, ‘Cabinets at the Fitzwilliam Museum’, in Money & Medals Newsletter, no 68, September 2016, p. 5-6.