

Institute of Archaeology


Research Students

Current UCL Institute of Archaeology research student profiles are available via this page.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U V | W Y| Z

    • A

    Christina AlamAdopting a new technology in the Bronze Age - Examining the transmission and adoption of ceramic innovations in Western Anatolia and the Aegean using a cultural evolutionary framework

    Karina AnderssonMachine Learning as a Method of Sex Estimation from Cranial CT Scans

    Isabel AnnalThe effects of social change on infant funerary practices: a study of baby burials on the frontiers of the Western Roman Empire

    Laura Arcidiacono Development of a non-invasive neutron technique for the analysis of trace elements in gold objects from pre-Columbian period in South America

    Summer AustinTut on the Auction Block: Demand Creation through Exhibition — A case study of market reaction to the last 50 years of Tutankhamun exhibitions in New Contexts

    • B

    Pablo BarbaEgyptian state formation and the entanglements of personhood, power and emotions in Predynastic children’s burials

    Archontoula BaroudaCeramic and Plaster Technologies and Traditions at Neolithic Makri, Thrace, Greece

    Valentina Bernardi Impact of Agricultural Intensification and Population Expansion on the Health, Growth, and Disease of the Post-Meroitic and Late Medieval Upper Nubian Populations

    • C

    Ilaria CalgaroTechnology, organisation, and networks of metal production and circulation in the Eurasian Steppe Bronze Age: a case of large-scale copper production at the site of Taldysai (Kazakhstan)

    Sara Carrión AnayaEarly Ceramic Technologies and Traditions in the Edom Lowlands Region of Southern Jordan: A Diachronic Perspective

    Elaine Charwat Nature of replication: Natural History Museums & the circulation of casts and models

    Zhiming Chen Presenting narratives of the Maritime Silk Routes: A comparative study of museum exhibitions on the route of MSR

    Jon Cogdale Analysis of synchronic and diachronic variations in the plaggen soils of north-west Europe in relation to social, cultural and environmental variations, AD 1000-1800.

    Stefania Cucuteanu The Palaeoecology of Bovidae Fauna at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania: A Complete Taxonomic Assessment of Beds I-IV and the Abiotic and Biotic Interactions in Plio-Pleistocene Faunal Communities

    • D

    Mark Dalton Early Bronze Age British Funerary Vessels: similarities and differences in manufacturing techniques and the socio-cultural implications

    Marion DavidsonThe Frequency, Accuracy, and Reliability of the Ancestry Estimation Methods in Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology

    Juan de LaraExperiencing the Divine via 3D. Lighting strategies and temple illumination in Bassae, Athens and Olympia

    Xin Ding Site formation process, Pleistocene assemblages, and hominin behavioural patterns at open-air sites in lake margin environments

    Michael D'Aprix Archaeological Theory, Philosophy and Scientific Methodology

    Shenglun DuPeopling the Marshlands: a comparative study of Neolithisation on landscape and subsistence in the Low Countries and the Lower Yangtze, China.

    Johan du PreezThe Anglo-Saxon transition: An inter-disciplinary and regional approach

    Tom DwyerReconstructing the ecology and extinction dynamics of Late Quaternary megafauna in China.

    Gabriela Dziki Thriving at the Time of Collapse: Changes in Architectural Style and Influences During the Transitional Period Between the Late Classic and Early Postclassic in Northern Belize.

    Melissa Dobson Intervertebral disc disease: its prevalence, distribution and relationship to other spinal pathology in two human skeletal populations from Chichester, England

    • E
    • F

    David Fallon The Assemblage of the Mind. An Archaeological Rhythmanalysis of Living in Ancient Merv

    Rosamund E. FitzmauricePre-Columbian Mesoamerican Dependency and “Slavery” in Postclassic Maya and Aztec Cultures

    Amanda Ford Spora (Re)conceptualising authentic narratives of Nile Valley funerary figurines with teenagers using digitally produced replicas

    Sarah Forgesson Future of island heritage in the face of climate change: the challenges and opportunities of heritage management in the South Pacific

    • G

    Katrina Gafner Understanding the Thermal Alteration of Cranial Blunt Force Trauma Fractures

    Francesca Glanville-WallisSoils and Land-Use in an Urban Context – Past, Present and Future: Lamanai, Belize from 1600 B.C. to A.D. 1990

    Jilke Golbach Heritage and the Right to the City: reclaiming the ruins of modern Rome

    Cristian González-RodríguezChullpa-type architecture in the south-central Andes: approaches to the computational modelling of built environments and ritual landscapes

    Maura GriffithSex Estimation of Juvenile Remains Using Dental Metrics

    • H

    Pauline Harding Archaeology as ‘Witchcraft’: Spirits, Sorcerers and Salesmen in Buganda

    Xosé Hermoso-Buxán Political Strategies and Universal Empires: Insights from the Space Syntax Analysis of Palatial Buildings in the Ancient Near East

    Fiona HolloranA reconstruction of the late middle and early upper Palaeolithic ecosystems of southwest Britain in relation to human presence: new combined methods.

    • I

    Cristina Ichim The Kylix, the Chamber Tomb and the Boar's Tusk Helmet: Processes of Cultural Affiliation in the Middle and Late Bronze Age Southern Aegean

    • J

    • K

    Alexander Kabelindde Technological behaviour of Homo erectus in Beds II, III and IV, Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania)

    Yu-Chun KanStir the pots of social change: micro-archaeobotany of cooking in East/Southeast Asian prehistory

    Shanna KangPost-Mortem Embodiment in an Interdisciplinary Study of the Human Corpse

    Kelsi KavianiThrough a Glass Lens: Technological Innovation and Trade in Early Islamic North Africa

    Panos Kratimenos Ventrally placed, legs flexed (VPLF) burials as a proxy for cultural and political change at Marco Gonzalez, Belize

    • L

    Raluca - Ioana LazarescuMapping technological change in medieval North Africa: from Roman to Islamic copper economies (0 -1500 CE)

    Clare Lewis Developing Disciplinary Knowledge: Inaugural Lectures in Egyptology

    Zehao LiWalls across Eurasia: A Comparative Study of Linear Defence Systems and Great Empires

    Xin LinJade networks in Mesoamerica and early China

    Chen Lim Shopping in Ancient Southeast Asia: The Ceramic Trade and its Footprint in Three Port Settlements

    Yunxiao Liu Challenges and opportunities in the management and sustainable use of remote sites: a case study on the Oases Routes of the Silk Roads

    • M

    Iain MacDonaldArchaeological wetland landscapes of Northwest Europe from the Roman through Medieval periods: A comparative spatial analysis

    Laurence Maidment-BlundellVolunteers as re-narrators of Colonial Histories: their contribution to the de-colonisation of British Cultural Institutions

    Maja Maricevic Research functions in large heritage organisations: impact of the UK cultural and research policies on the institutional research strategies and practice

    Andrea Martínez-CarrascoState Control of Production, Distribution and Consumption of Inka-Style Pottery in the Southern Border of Tawantinsuyu (Inka State).

    Gwendoline Maurer Diaspora Subsistence Strategies: Tracing 3rd millennium migrants to the Levant

    Sally McAleely Arranged Plant Material as Material Culture: A Study of Archaeobotanical Remains including Bouquets and Garlands from Ancient Egypt

    Antanas Melinis Conditions for the safe storage of early glass

    Liana Miller A critical investigation of the homogenisation of professionalism and the stifling of diversity across institutional status-position

    Tamara MooreThe Importance of Being an E-Group: Investigating Structure D-1 at Ka’kabish, Belize

    • N

    Kulvinder NagreArchaeology in Society, and Society in Archaeology

    Luisa Nienhaus Nationalism and Internationalism at Napoleonic Heritage Sites: Conflict Heritage, Dark Tourism, and European Identities

    • O

    Veronica Occari Byzantine and Islamic elements in Italian glass: From the Early Middle Ages to the Renaissance with a special focus on the role of Venice

    • P

    Ellen PaveyMaking the Invisible Visible in the Contemporary Art Museum

    Ornella Prato Intertwined lives in the Mediterranean: Humans and animals at Etruscan Tarquinia

    Eleanor Preston The Ubaid in the Persian Gulf: compositional and petrographic analysis of potsherds from Iraq to the Straits of Hormuz

    Rhonda ProutOrigins of the English Landscape – Swine, Pannage and Droveways.

    • Q

    Mitzy Quinto Cortes Destroyed but not lost: How to overcome an earthquake?

    • R

    Alice RevillAn investigation into Neolithic enclosures in Continental Europe.

    Bebe RichardsInvestigating the potential for legislative and non-legislative regulations to curb market demand for illicit antiquities

    Liam RichardsThe Effect of Temperature and Multivalent Ions on the Oxidation State of Copper in Ancient Glass

    Kay RichardsonBEYOND WORDS: How can significance led placemaking that integrates heritage values create a more socially responsible urban design process?

    Cambria RodriguezThe Life and Death of an Aztec “Chosen Child”: ritual, politics, and environment

    • S

    Wiktoria SaganMulti-proxy research into pre-colonial raised fields of Amapá, Brazil

    Viviana Siveroni Household organization and social integration in the Late Prehispanic Period of the Nasca region, Peru

    Lucy Sladen Changing Human-Animal Interactions in post-Roman Britain: Can We Detect Socio-Economic and Cultural Change?

    Hanna Sosnowska The Socio-Economic Implications of Lithic Technologies in the Late Prehistory of Iraqi Kurdistan

    Christine Spencer Picking up the Pieces: Assessing the role of legacy survey data in interpretations of social change in Bronze Age Crete

    Arthur Starzec Regionalism and identity in the UK and France from the 17th Century through the development of transport networks

    Kate Swinson Over-Hunting, Population Pressure, or Climate Change? Meta-Analysis of the Drivers of Faunal Change in the Late Palaeolithic Levant

    • T

    Cornelia (Nina) ThompsonThe Work of Medical Museums: Collaborative approaches to understanding engagement, outcomes and implications for well-being

    Tong Tong Assessment on the treatment methodology and performance efficiency of nanolime as a consolidant in the conservation of wall paintings extreme weather conditions

    Ofelia TychonUrban sustainability and imperial collapse: the case of the fall of Assyria

    • U

    • V

    Elizabeth VarnerA Study of the Legal History and Political Implications Surrounding Removal of Egyptian Antiquities in the 19th- 20th Century

    Nelly (Eleanor) von Aderkas Containing Commodities: Determining Organic Residues In Greek Painted Pottery

    Ana VitalPleistocene Palaeoecology of Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) through the study of archaeological sediments

    • W

    Paulina WandowiczBroken, burnt, and buried: Magico-religious practice, power dynamics, and social control at Tell el-Amarna and Deir el-Medina

    Linjie WangCommunity Participation and Governmentality: Ethnographic Research on the Making of Baiku Yao Ethnic Minority Intangible Cultural Heritage in Southwest China

    Conner WeltyA Morphometric Analysis of Down Syndrome for Application on Human Skeletal Remains

    Caitlin WithnellFunctional adaptation among early stone tool assemblages in south-eastern Wallacea and north-western Australia

    • Y

    Shiyu YangPorts and Transregional Interactions on the Eastern Silk Roads: A Case Study from the Shandong Peninsula, China

    Ying YangWood Use in the Terracotta Army Pits and Mausoleum of China’s First Emperor

    • Z

    Victoria Ziegler A study of urban trans-location in early medieval England: occupation identities in Saxon London 770-1020

    Chenxing ZhaoParticipatory Research on the System of Mixed Reality (MR): How Does Social-economic, Cultural and Ethnic Backgrounds Affect Visitors’ Experience in Museums?

    Jinyue ZhangHeritage Database Strategies in Chinese and Global Contexts

    Yu ZhuangTheorising Practice: Development of Archaeological Fieldwork in Late Modern Egypt and China c. 1880–1952