
The Bartlett


EDI in Practice

On this page you'll find information on schemes and ideas to improve our practices and testimonials on living EDI at The Bartlett.

Classroom of students paying attention something out-of-shot

Bullying, harrassment and sexual misconduct in the working and learning environment are never acceptable. We are committed to improving transparency and accountability, and seeing where we can do better. To find out more about UCL support or to report, please visit .

Practising equality in staff recruitment, retention and promotion
  • Fair Recruitment Specialists

As part of Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵ work on the Race Equality Charter, UCL has created a pool of highly-trained Fair Recruitment Specialists who will bring very valuable input into recruitment activity across UCL. The Specialists are volunteers drawn from UCL staff who identify as Black and Minority Ethnic (BME). This is in response to feedback from departments that it is often difficult to have sufficient ethnic diversity on panels, as BME staff are under-represented in certain roles and grades at UCL.

  • Inclusive Advocacy

Inclusive Advocacy is a new sponsorship programme designed to ensure high-performing, under-represented groups reach their full potential at UCL. There will be a focus on Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) staff, however it is not limited to these staff and will be open to other staff who face barriers in the workplace. The two-year programme connects senior leaders (‘Advocates’) to high-performing Grade 7 and 8 staff (‘Protégées’). The senior leader’s role is to proactively ensure the protégé receives robust growth opportunities and access to useful networks, hopefully resulting in career advancement.

  • B-MEntor

B-MEntor is a cross-institutional mentoring scheme for Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) academics and researchers, and Professional Services staff. Mentees can obtain career advice and direction, receive help with identifying and clarifying issues, problems and obstacles, source new ideas and practices, and gain the opportunity for networking across a broader spectrum than provided by the day-to-day environment.

Practising equality in teaching and research
  • Inclusive Curriculum Health Check

An inclusive curriculum aims to improve the experience, skills and attainment of all students, including those in protected characteristic groups, by ensuring that all students, regardless of background, are able to participate fully and achieve at equal rates. The health check is designed to support UCL staff to reflect on how to embed the principles of inclusivity in all aspects of the academic cycle. All higher education institutions are reviewing their activity to support student success and fair outcomes for all students. This document will be reviewed for each programme through the UCL Annual Student Experience Review (ASER) process.

  • UCL BME Attainment Project

Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵ is undertaking a three-year project to address the disparities in attainment and experience of undergraduate Black or Minority Ethnic (BME) and white students at UCL. UCL's 'close the gap' project runs alongside Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵ participation as the only Russell Group institution in a HEFCE-funded consortium project led by Kingston University. This second project will use a value-added metric and an inclusive curriculum framework to address the BME attainment gap.

Practising equality in student admissions
  • Access and widening participation

UCL's Access and Widening Participation team offers an exciting range of visits, events and programmes for students in years 5-13 and adult learners who are under-represented in higher education. They also run activities for parents and carers, and teachers and educational professionals.