

The Bartlett School of Architecture


Infrastructures of Care: Spaces of Refuge and Displacement

01 February 2019, 10:00 am–6:00 pm

Yangon 2018

A symposium and exhibition at The Bartlett School of Architecture

Event Information

Open to





Huda Tayob


Various locations

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This event brings together academics, activists, NGOs and spatial practitioners to discuss questions of infrastructures of care relating to forced migration. The aim is to explore the various spatial, material, human, and humanitarian entanglements of provision created for and by displaced people.


09:30 – Introduction

IAS Common Ground, UCL

Murray Fraser, Vice-Dean Research, The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, UCL

09:45 – The Politics of Care: Policies, Practices and Inequalities

IAS Common Ground, UCL

Revisiting the Camp: On the Impossibility of Political Resolution
Samar Maqusi, RELIEF, UCL

Refuge in the City of Austerity
Deena Dajani, London School of Economics

The Politics of Pain: Prescribing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Conflict
Ayesha Ahmad, St George’s University of London and UCL

Navigating the Politics of Care: Experiences of Unaccompanied Young People in the UK and Italy
Elaine Chase, Institute of Education, UCL

11:30 – Who Cares? Ethics of Humanitarian and Urban Care

IAS Common Ground, UCL

The Case for an Ethics of Care in Humanitarianisms Inbetween Spaces
Cathrine Brun, Oxford Brookes

Infrastructures of Care and Repression in Contemporary Britain
Aidan Mosselson, University of Sheffield

Infrastructures of Reception
Gala Nettelbladt, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space

Refugees Hosting Refugees –Endurance and Maintenance of Care
Howayda Al-Harithy, Camillo Boano, Batoul Yassine, American University of Beirut and UCL

14:00 – Keynote

Room 6.02, 22 Gordon Street, UCL

Dr Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh,Professor in Migration & Refugee Studies, and Co-Director of the Migration Research Unit, UCL

15:30 – Designing and Respresenting Infrastructures of Care and Control

Room 6.02, 22 Gordon Street, UCL

Bordered Worlds, Bordered Forms
Dom Davies, City, University of London

Participatory Spatial Research as Collective Care & Care for the Collective in the Beqaa Valley
Hanna Baumann, Joana Dabaj, Riccardo Luca Conti, and Andrea Rigon, UCL and CatalyicAction

Ethics of Care in a London Drop-in Centre for Refugees and Migrants
Leyla Williams, The West London Welcome Centre for Refugees and Migrants

Contested Welcoming
Caroline Cottet, Refugee Women’s Centre in Grande Synthe, Dunkirk and Calais


Room 1.01, 22 Gordon Street
01 – 08 February 2019.

Exhibited work

The Madafah: Who is hosting whom?
Aya Musmar, University of Sheffield

Walking with Purpose
Bence Komlosi, Mary Rojas and Architecture for Refugees Schweiz

Informal Tented Settlements
Diala Makki, Mona Harb, and Mona Fawaz, American University of Beirut

Passage Variations (Greece/UK 2019, 18min)
Ektoras Arkomanis, London Metropolitan University

Integrating the Walls, Transcending our Tiredness
Ged Ribas Goody, UCL

Infrastructures of Control
Giovanna Astolfo, UCL

Collective Care and Care for the Collective
Hanna Baumann and Andrea Rigon, UCL, Joana Dabaj and Riccardo Luca Conti, CatalyticAction

Black Markets: Cape Town and Minneapolis
Huda Tayob, UCL and LSE

En Route Camps in Northern France
Irit Katz, LSE, University of Cambridge and University of Sheffield

Infrastructures of Caring Citizenship
Isabel Gutierrez Sanchez, UCL

Afro-Christian Churches as Care-Takers in/of the City
Luce Beeckmans, Ghent University

“Welcome to the Green Hotel”
Maria Hagan, University of Cambridge

Architectures of Displacement
Mark E Breeze, University of Oxford and University of Cambridge

Material and Immaterial ‘Infrastructures of Care’ in Jordan
Melissa Gatter, University of Cambridge

The Spatial Aesthetics of a Refugee-guided Tour
Michal Huss, University of Cambridge

Design Methodologies, Al Azraq Refugee Camp
Melina Phillippou, Azra Aksamija, and Zeid Madi Future Heritage Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

A Strange Village: The Squatted Plaza Hotel in Athens
Nikolaos Kanavaris, Symeon Makaronas, and Stellatou Dimitra NTUA and UCL

Objects Removed for Study
Rafael Guendelman Hales, UCL

Tom Morgan and Darren Dharmadasa, Monash University

Tempohomes in Berlin
Viktoria Pues, UN Habitat

Further information

Please note thatthis event will be heldacross two locations.

This event is generously supported by The Bartlett Synergy Grantand the Institute for Advanced Studies and Refuge in a Moving World Research group.

Organised by DrHuda Tayob, and Dr .


If you have any access requirements please let us know, send anemailor call 020 3108 7337

Image:Yangon, Myanmar,2018.