
The Bartlett School of Architecture


Platform Grant Extension: Space, time and interaction

Platform Grant Extension: Space, time and interaction: integrating spatial and temporal


EPSRC Grant Reference:

The Space Group comprising the Space Syntax Laboratory and the VR Centre for the Built Environment at the Bartlett (UCL) was awarded platform funding in July 2000. The group was flagged at 5* in the 2001 RAE, and since 2000 has won over 7m in new funding from a variety of sources including EC, EPSRC, The Housing Corporation, charities and industry. The group's academic staff has increased from 3 to 6 over that period through the appointment of 3 new lectureships. Platform funding has been critically important in this growth and has underpinned international collaboration as well as delivering significant results in new and risky fundamental research, which would otherwise have developed much more slowly.

This proposal is for a second phase of platform funding to allow us the flexibility to retain key staff members, to develop the administrative and public facing infrastructure for the expanding group, to enhance our international links and to tackle three fundamental theoretical and methodological issues covering the relation between the morphology of the built environment time, interaction and information transfer. These will underpin current and proposed research into urban sustainability and the 24-hour city and the performance of complex public interface buildings.


Principal Investigator

Professor AR Penn

Other Investigators

Professor J Hanson
Professor WRG Hillier
Mr PA Turner

Dr LS Vaughan

Recognised Researcher

Dr C Mottram