
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


Dissertation Day at CASA 2017

12 September 2017

Dissertation Day at CASA 2017

Its been another wonderful year for our MSc Smart Cities and Urban Analytics and MRes Spatial Data Science and Visualisation programmes. The deadline for submission is 1 September each year, a time for celebration and an opportunity to explore the wide variety of research topics examined by our students.

The full list of dissertation titles is reproduced below.

MSc Smart Cities and Urban Analytics

William Ashford: An Analysis Of Supervised Machine Learning Models For Road Traffic Forecasting

Jan Chojnacki: Investigating The Accessibility To Sports Facilities: A Case Study Of The Borough Of Westminster, London

Yu-Che Huang: Understanding Civic Engagement Through Data's Case Study On New York City

Farshid Aryan Khesal: Optimal Site Selection Of Public Charging Points For Plug-In Electric Vehicles

Miriam Kreuger: Setting The Scene For Further Investigations Into The Environment And Characteristics Of Berlin's Vibrant Micro-Clusters

Mercedes Landa: Metropolitan Spatial Structure: The Valley Of Mexico

Zhuoran Li: Adult Obesity Prevalence Estimation In London Using Spatial Microsimulation Method

Siyuan Ma: Splicing Time - Lazio And The Roman Campagna: Exploring The Narrative Visualisation Of Historical Places Through Archival And Modern Photography

Inigo Mingolarra-Garaizar: An Introduction To Scaling Laws In England and Wales

Neelam Kaur Kundi: Exploring Submarket Trends London: A Constrained Spatial Interaction Modelling Analysis

Pegah Noori Khan: Network Theory Approach On Building Energy Data Case Study - New York & San Francisco

Huidong Qu: Contemporary Tourism In Whitechapel And The East End Of London

Nissa Shahid: The London Metropolitan Green Belt: A Barrier To Sustainable Development?

Haochen Shi: Explore The Relationship Between Diversity And Density Of Urban Activities By POI-Based Measurements: Case Studies Of Three Typical Chinese Cities

Konstantina Spanou: Mobility Patterns and Disease Transmission: Preventing Malaria Using Mobile Phone Data

William Squires: Visualizing Procedurally Generated Spatio-Temporal City Data In Virtual Reality

Paula White: The Impact Of the Night Tube On The Westminsters Night Economy

Jie Xiu: Spatio-Temporal Relations Between London Bicycle Journeys And Underground Travels In Multi-Model Trips

Kirsten Zeller: Capturing Noise At Night: A Spatial-Temporal & Street-Life Exploration Of Noise And Busking Complaints In The West End"

MRes Spatial Data Science and Visualisation

Yingshuo Du: The Interaction Between Urban Configurations And Land Use Patterns In Guangzhou

Gabriele Filomena: A Computational Approach To "The Image of the City"

Yufan Gao: An Optimal Algorithm For Time Sensitive Distribution Network Problem With Single Distribution Centre

Julian Ganz: It's The Funding, Stupid! - Assessing The Impact Of The Research Excellence Framework Through Spatial Statistics And Collaboration Network Analysis

Miltiadis Giannakopoulos: Application Of GIS For Modelling And Optimisation Of Electric Vehicle

Chenxing He: Urban Safety Perception Investigated = A Deep Learning And Groundtruthing Approach

Dominic Humphrey: The Benefits Of And Methods To Calculate Land Value From Price Data In The UK

Andrea Imaz: Urban Economies Now And Then

Siyi Liu: An Investigation Into The Bike Repositioning Problem For London Cycle Hire Scheme

Maria Fernanda Ortiz Carrasal: Measures Of The Accessibility Via The Transit System In Bogota: A Tool For Transport And Land Use

Mateo Neira: Urban Complexity And Spatial Justice's Measuring Effects Of Urban Morphology On Spatial Inequality And Segregation

Yi Ping: The Effects Of The New Metro Line On Urban Connection In Guangzhou

Nikoletta Plakomyti: Urban Mobility And Modelling Demand Using Taxi Traces: A Case Study For Thessaloniki

Daniel Smith: Spatial Drug Discovery: A Qualitative Evaluation Of Spatialisation To Biomedical Knowledge Discovery In Industry.

Ioannis Toumpalidis: Physical Spaces And Digital Flows Navigating Through The Informational Matrix

Eleni Tziaferi: Detecting Patterns Of Regularity In Physical Activity Behaviour By Exploiting Users' Data From Fitness Mobile Applications

Weilin Wang: Mining The Bike Sharing System Of New York City

Fan Wu: Feature Analysis And Housing Price Prediction Of Airbnb Listings: In Case Of City of London

Wenke Yang: Allocate Mini-Hubs For Freight Couriers In London Using Stopping Points

Alvin Yeo: Understanding The London Night Time Economy Using WiFi-Based Footfall Data

Congratulations to all!