
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


Mike Batty Gives the Israel Pollak Lectures at Technion

10 March 2014

technion lectures

Mike spent this last week in Technion which is the power house of Israeli science giving lectures and talking to faculty about smart cities, urban models, spatial analysis and related CASA research.

Mike spent this last week in Technion which is the power house of Israeli science giving lectures and talking to faculty about smart cities, urban models, spatial analysis and related CASA research. He engaged with faculty and grad students working with projects associated with urbanization in Israel and the role of ecology and natural process in urban systems.

Israel is a highly urban society of 7 million, 90 percent of whom live in towns and cities and it is reinventing itself as a high tech nation. All its cities are merging into one another centred on its financial capital Tel Aviv and its national capital Jerusalem.

Read his blog to find out about his trip at . The Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning which hosted the lectures, did so for the first time as the lectures are designed to bring academics who are building new approaches to science to the campus, in this case the science of cities, CASA’s emerging focus.