
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


BUDDcamp 2012 | The City of Euphemia 2

20 June 2012


BUDDlab Volume 4 is now available for download.

The BUDDlab series documents a variety of explorations of the MSc BUDD and illustrates the necessary juxtaposition of field research practice and critically reflective reading and writing.

'The City of Euphemia 2' is covering the BUDDcamp in Brescia done in early 2012 and represents the students’ efforts and the reflections on their experience.

In partnership with the Association ‘ Local Democracy Embassy of Zavidovici’ (LDE) the BUDD students immersed themselves for two days into different contested neighbourhood and refugee flats in Brescia to investigate spatial and temporal exchange between immigrants and locals. Students engaged in research methods including psycho-geographical mapping and one-on-one interviews and quickly developed a range of interventions which were intended to serve as catalysts for the promotion of immigrant identity and better integration into the community.

Visit here to read and download the issue in PDF format.