
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Urbanisation and municipal development in Mozambique

The aim of research was to provide policy makers and municipal authorities in Mozambique with an analysis of the challenges for municipal development based on the first 10 years of decentralisation.

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11 June 2008

This comprised the production of one chapter on governance and planning, as well as joint coordination of a larger research project. The aim of the broader research was to provide policy makers and municipal authorities in Mozambique with an analysis of the challenges and opportunities for municipal development based on the first 10 years of decentralisation. It focused specifically on planning and coordination for municipal services and urban governance. The chapter identifies key challenges in municipal governance and planning and points out a number of areas that must be addressed both at the municipal and the national levels to increase the capacity of municipalities to face the challenges of urbanization. The larger project was published as a ten-chapter World Bank report. Jointly funded by DANIDA, the World Bank, UN-Habitat, Swiss Development Corporation, GTZ and Austrian Aid.