

UCL Energy Institute


UCL-Energy staff and students win third place in Best Paper Award at BSO14 conference

27 June 2014


A paper by UCL-Energy staff and students along with members of ArchiMetrics Ltd won third place in the Best Paper Award category at the 2nd Building Simulation and Optimisation BSO14 conference held in London, 23-24 June 2014.

The paper “Seasonal Factors Influencing the Estimation of the U-value of a Wall” by Virginia Gori, Phillip Biddulph, Cliff Elwell, Cameron Scott, Caroline Rye, Robert Lowe and Tadj Oreszczyn presents preliminary results of a current research aiming at investigating the influence of solar radiation on the estimation of the U-value of real building elements. Heat flux, temperature and solar radiation measurements were recorded on a solid-brick wall and analysed using a novel dynamic method () developed here at the UCL Energy Institute.