

UCL Institute for Global Prosperity


Transcript: Making To Prosperity and Beyond

00:00:00 RP

Hello. I'm RP. I'm a sustainability professional involved in impact investing in social enterprises.

00:00:07 Sam

And I'm Sam, an advocate on the role of technology in the pursuit of social innovation, nation building and sustainable development.

00:00:15 RP

We’re both from the IGP's MSc prosperity, innovation and entrepreneurship program.

00:00:21 Sam and RP

And welcome to ‘To prosperity and beyond’


00:00:32 Sam

So RP, can you tell me? What is to prosperity and beyond?

00:00:37 RP

Well, Sam, To Prosperity and Beyond is a five-part mini series embedded within the Institute for Global Prosperity’s, Life of Pie podcasts.

00:00:46 Sam

That's right. It focuses on the lives and experiences of professionals who are addressing the challenges to global prosperity through transformative entrepreneurship.

00:00:57 RP

You know Sam, I think at this point we should already start talking about like, what are the objectives of this podcast? Why? What do we want to achieve with this?

00:01:07 Sam

Yeah, I think our number one goal for this podcast is to have more human conversations around prosperity, innovation and entrepreneurship because as it stands right now, there are so many jargons and terminologies being discussed that are just not able to translate or connect with ordinary people.

I think there's this portrayal of PIE being something that straightforward and clean, but in fact it's the total opposite. It's messy, it's complicated. There are things that will not make sense, but that's life, right? It's not supposed to be that straightforward way wherein you just know, but it's actually a process of figuring things out.

00:01:58 RP

So yeah, a lot of the caution they've also given us in the programme and something that we want to be wary about is that we don't want to sort of give a one-size-fits-all understanding of prosperity because we understand that there is richness in different cultures. I think that's why that's what we really loved about our programme is that we come from different backgrounds. We have a very diverse cohort. We hardly have a like a strong population in the group that's just one type of culture. So we're coming from very rich backgrounds.

And we also want to not only provide these directives, but sort of realise prosperity from different cultures. That doesn't have to really abduct an understanding of prosperity from somewhere else.

00:02:55 Sam

Yeah, definitely just to build on what you said, because there are different cultures and backgrounds being represented within the program. It means that there is a diversity of their perspectives that are grounded in their lived experiences and you know, just having casual conversations with these people already gives us that wealth of knowledge and wisdom already, because they're not just coming here in the programme and just say “Hey! You know, this is what prosperity is for us.” They've actually experienced it in their own local nuances and contexts.

00:03:32 RP

So it really isn't about sort of, “this is prosperity and then we're handing it down.” It's whether or not we can find sort of ideas from each other, like in the rich cultures we have from each other. Ultimately we want to be able to amplify each of the PIE related projects and initiatives.

Everyone is like a rock star in their own corner. Yeah, trying to make something work and hopefully we can highlight how great they are with the guests that we are inviting to each session.

00:04:04 RP

Now that we gave you an overview of to prosperity and beyond. We hope that you can tune in to our upcoming episodes.

00:04:17 Sam

It's going to be an exciting and dare wesay transformative journey and we look forward to you joining us


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