

UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


IIPP hosts a three-day workshop on ‘Rethinking the State in the 21st Century’

26 April 2019

This week the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) and the INET Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) co-hosted a 3 day workshop focused on ‘Rethinking the State in the 21st Century’.

IIPP and YSI workshop

Young scholars from around the world joined leading academics at IIPP to discuss how states can best tackle complex problems such as growing inequality, climate change, and aging populations. Contemporary challenges require the existence of the 21st century States acting as a crucial partner for innovation and structural change.

To secure a place at the event, potential attendees wereasked to submit their papers according to four different areas:

  1. Redefining and evaluating the public sector
  2. Creating public value and public purpose
  3. Assessing and delivering mission-oriented policies
  4. Public ownership of banks and enterprises

Accepted young scholars were given the opportunity to present their own research, and receive guidance and feedback from keynote speakersin the fields of economics of innovation, industrial policy, macroeconomic policy, and economic sociology.

Roundtable discussion at IIPP and YSI workshop

On day one, keynote speakersProfessor Mariana Mazzucato and Professor Carlota Perez spoke about mission-oriented policy and the role of the state in technological revolutions.

Day two featured Professor D’Maris Coffman, Professor Robert Skidelsky and June Sekerawho spokeabout public ownership of enterprise and banks, the role of finance in the 21st century, and climate change and public purpose.

On the last day of the workshop, final keynote speaker Professor Rainer Kattel spoke about innovation and value in the public sector. The workshop concluded with a roundtable discussion on the future of the state led by Dr Bill Janeway, Damon Silversand Mariana Mazzucato.

IIPP Director Mariana Mazzucato says,

“We were proud to host this inspiring workshop in conjunction with INET Young Scholars Initiative which broughttogether leading academics and a new generation of innovative thinkers todiscuss and collaborate on approaches towards tackling some of the biggest challenges facing society today.We look forwardto the collaborations that will spring from the seeds laid down by all of the bright young scholars who participated.”

Videos of all the keynote presentations will be uploaded onto the Young Scholars InitiativeǴDz.

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