
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


Damon Silvers

Damon Silvers is a Visiting Professor of Practice in Labour Markets and Innovation at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP).

Damon A. Silvers a Visiting Professor in Labour Markets and Innovation at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP). He is on sabbatical from the AFL-CIO where is has served as the Director of Policy and Special Counsel for the AFL-CIO. He joined the AFL-CIO as Associate General Counsel in 1997. 

Damon Silvers
Mr. Silvers is a Senior Fellow for the Roosevelt Institute. He is a member of the Investor Advisory Committee of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s Investor Advisory Group. Mr. Silvers is also a member of The Century Foundation’s Board of Trustees and is a member of the board of the investor coalition CERES. 

From 2008 to 2011, Mr. Silvers served as the Deputy Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for TARP. Mr. Silvers has also served on the Treasury Department’s Financial Research Advisory Committee, as the Chair of the Competition Subcommittee of the United States Treasury Department Advisory Committee on the Auditing Profession and as a member of the United States Treasury Department Investor’s Practice Committee of the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets. 

Mr. Silvers led the successful efforts to restore pensions to the retirees of Cannon Mills lost in the Executive Life collapse and the severance owed to laid off Enron and WorldCom workers following the collapse of those companies. He served from 2003 to 2006 as pro bono Counsel to the Chairman of ULLICO, Inc. and in that capacity led the successful effort to recover over $50 million related to improperly paid executive compensation. 

Mr. Silvers received his J.D. with honors from Harvard Law School. He received his M.B.A. with high honors from Harvard Business School and is a Baker Scholar. Mr. Silvers is a graduate of Harvard College, summa cum laude, and has studied history at Kings College, Cambridge University.Â