
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose



°Õ³ó±ðÌý funds several scholarships across UCL for master's students from the United States, including a scholarship for the Master of Public Administration (MPA) in Innovation, Public Policy at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP). The scholarship will support the recipients' fees and/or maintenance costs, at their discretion.

The IIPP leads the world in rethinking the role of the public sector in co-creating value and driving change. IIPP’s work is informed by our research pillars, focusing on rethinking public value, shaping innovation, transforming institutions, and redirecting finance.

The IIPP’s one-year MPA programme teaches the competencies and critical skills needed for purpose-driven organisations in the public, private and civic sectors. As part of the programme, you will be equipped to help reshape organisations to be mission-led, experimental, and driven by public purpose; and understand the explorative and risk-taking processes that structural change, innovation, and socio-economic transformation require.

is a US-based non-profit dedicated to raising awareness of, and support for, the research, education, and innovation that takes place at UCL.

Scholarship applicants will be assessed across three areas:

  • Academic and/or professional excellence and background
  • Interest in one or more of IIPP's research themes i.e. public value, shaping innovation, transforming institutions, redirecting finance. 
  • Financial need 

Key information

Award: The equivalent of $20,000, available as tuition fees and/or maintenance costs.  

Duration: 1-year, full-time (starting September 2024) 

Deadline to apply: 29 February 2024. Shortlisted applications will be shared with UCLFAA, but the award of the scholarship remains at IIPP's discretion.  

Please note: This scholarship can only be awarded to successful MPA applicants. 

More information

If you have any questions about the MPA or the scholarship, please email iipp.studentenquiries@ucl.ac.uk