
Bentham Project


Articles H-J

  • Habibi, D.A. (2014) "Amartya Sen's Defense of Human Rights and the Challenge of Bentham," Theoria & Praxis 2: 1-18
  • Habibi, D.A. (2012) "Amartya Sen's Strong Theory of Human Rights," Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion, 17: 107-141
  • Habibi, D.A. (1998) "J.S. Mill's Revisionist Utilitarianism,"ÌýBritish Journal for the History of PhilosophyÌý6: 89-114
  • Habibi, D.A. (2007) Ìý"The Politicization of the International Human Rights Movement: A Utilitarian Critique," Journal of Human Rights, 6:. 3-35
  • Halévy, E. (1989) "Bentham et l'utilitarisme dans la période révolutionnaire," (reprint of Halévy's text of 1901)ÌýRevue du M.A.U.S.S.Ìý5: 53-68
  • Halpin, Andrew (1996) "The Concept of a Legal Power,"ÌýOxford Journal of Legal StudiesÌý16: 129-152
  • Hansson, S. O. (2009) "Bentham and the Shoemaker,"ÌýTheoria (Lund and Copenhagen)Ìý75: 153-55
  • Harris, Jonathan (1996) "An English Utilitarian Looks at Spanish American Independence: Rid Yourselves of Ultramaria,"ÌýThe AmericasÌý53: 217-33
  • Harris, Jonathan (1998) "Bernardino Rivadavia and Benthamite 'Discipleship,'"ÌýLatin American Research ReviewÌý33: 129-49
  • Harris, Jonathan (1999) "Los escritos de codificación de Jeremy Bentham y su recepción en el primer liberalismo español,"ÌýTélosÌý8: 9-29
  • Harris, Jonathan, (2005) "Jeremy Bentham and his Auto-Icon,"ÌýIstorika ThemataÌý38: 32-43
  • Harris, Wendell V. (1998) "The Value of Utilitarian Ethics at the Present Time,"ÌýTexas Studies in Literature and LanguageÌý40
  • Harrison, Ross (1989) "Bentham," in J.O. Urmson and J. Rée (eds.)ÌýThe Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy and Philosophers, 2nd edn (London: Unwin Hyman): 42-3
  • Harrison, Ross (1995) "Bentham, Jeremy," in J. Kim and E. Sosa (eds.),ÌýA Companion to MetaphysicsÌý(Oxford: Blackwell): 47-8
  • Harrison, Ross (1995) "Bentham, Jeremy," in Ted Honderich (ed.),ÌýThe Oxford Companion to PhilosophyÌý(Oxford: Oxford University Press): 85-8
  • Harrison, Ross (1996) "Bentham, Mill and Sidgwick" in N.F. Bunnin and E.P. Tsui-James (eds.)ÌýThe Blackwell Companion to PhilosophyÌý(Oxford: Blackwell): 627-42
  • Harrison, Ross (1996) "La philosophie morale de Bentham et l'utilitarisme classique" inÌýDictionnaire d'éthique et de philosophie moraleÌý(Paris: Presses Universitaires de France): 137-44
  • Harrison, Ross (1998) "Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832)" in Edward Craig (ed.)ÌýRoutledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol 1 (London: Routledge): 718-25
  • Harrison, Ross (1998) "Rosen's Sacrifice of Utility,"ÌýUtilitasÌý10: 159-164
  • Harrison, Ross (2001) "Jeremy Bentham," in Steven Emmanuel (ed.)ÌýThe Blackwell Guide to the Modern Philosophers from Descartes to NietscheÌý(Oxford: Blackwell): 259-77
  • Harrison, Ross (2001) "The Sanctions of Utilitarianism," in Ross Harrison (ed.)ÌýHenry Sidgwick(Oxford: Oxford University Press): 93-116
  • Harte, Negley (1998) "The Owner of Share No. 633: Jeremy Bentham and University College London," in Fuller (ed.) (1998): 5-8
  • Häyry, Heta and Matti Häyry (1990) "Liberty, Equality, Utility: Classical to Liberal Utilitarianism," in Campbell (ed.) (1990)
  • Hemingway, A. (1993) "Genius, Gender and Progress: Benthamism and the Arts in the 1820s,"ÌýArt HistoryÌý16: 619-46
  • Heydt, Colin (2006) "Mill, Bentham and 'internal Culture',"ÌýBritish Journal for the History of PhilosophyÌý14: 275-301
  • Hilgendorf, Eric (2018) 'Jeremy Bentham - Child of the Enlightenment - and Father of Modern Legal Policy', 93 Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen und Reden zur Philosophie, Politik und Geistesgeschichte: Strafrechtsphilosophie der Aufklarung, 19-21 June 2015,ÌýBerlin, 95–111.
  • Hinderer, Drew (1995) "Bentham on Poetry, Pushpin, and the Arts,"ÌýMichigan-AcademicianÌý27: 57-64
  • Hiz, H. (1998) "The ethics of a guardian and the ethics of a legislator,"ÌýPhilosophical ForumÌý29: 50-65
  • Hocutt, M. (2005) "Was Bentham a utilitarian?"ÌýCanadian Journal of Political ScienceÌý38: 697-717Ìý
  • Hoesch, Matthias (2018) ‘From Theory to Practice: Bentham’s Reception of Helvétius’, Utilitas, 30:3, pp. 294-316
  • Hoffman, Lord (2001) "Bentham and Human Rights,"ÌýCurrent Legal ProblemsÌý54: 61-77
  • Hollander, Samuel (1996) "Notes on a Possible Bentham Manuscript: a Mystery Unresolved,"ÌýCambridge Journal of EconomicsÌý20: 623-35
  • Hollander, Samuel (1999) "Jeremy Bentham and Adam Smith on the Usury Laws: a 'Smithian' Reply to Bentham and a New Problem,"ÌýEuropean Journal of the History of Economic Thought6: 523-51
  • Hollander, Samuel (1999) "Sigot on the Mystery Manuscript: a Reply,"ÌýCambridge Journal of EconomicsÌý23: 379-83
  • Hoogensen, Gunhild (2001)Ìý"Bentham's International Manuscripts Versus the Published 'Works,'"ÌýJournal of Bentham StudiesÌý4
  • Hostettler, John (1992) "Jeremy Bentham-Reformer Extraordinary,"ÌýJustice of the Peace and Local Government LawÌý156: 668-670
  • Hottinger, Olaf (1999) "Die Grundlagen der okonomischen Nutzentheorie und des homo oeconomicus: die Beitrage von J. Bentham und J. St. Mill,"ÌýDialektikÌý3: 63-82
  • Hruschka, Joachim (1991) "The Greatest Happiness Principle and Other Early German Anticipations of Utilitarian Theory,"ÌýUtilitasÌý3: 165-77
  • Hurtado, Jimena (2004) "'Vicios privados, beneficios publicos' o la diestra administracion del legislador utilitarista,"ÌýLecturas de EconomiaÌý61: 71-99
  • Hurtado, Jimena (2005) "ÌýThe utilitarian foundations of the economic approach to human behavior",ÌýDocumento CEDE: 27: 1-31
  • Hurtado, Jimena (2008) "Jeremy Bentham and Gary Becker: Utilitarianism and economic imperialism,"ÌýJournal of the History of Economic ThoughtÌý30: 335-57
  • Husak, Douglas (2007) "Alternative Theories of Criminalization," in Douglas HusakÌýOvercriminalization - The Limits of the Criminal LawÌý(New York, Oxford University Press): 178-206
  • Hutchings, Peter J. (1999) "Spectacularizing Crime: Ghostwriting the Law,"ÌýLaw and Critique10: 27-48
  • Hutchison, Terence (1994) "Jeremy Bentham as an Economist," inÌýThe Uises and Abuses of Economics: Contentious Essays on History and MethodÌý(London and New York: Routledge, first pub. 1956) also pub. (1991)ÌýBentham as an Economist, Pioneers in Economics 13, Mark Blaug (ed.) (Aldershot: Edward Elgar)
  • Ihl, Olivier (2005) "Le marché des honneurs : les théories de la récompense chez Giuseppe Gorani et Jeremy Bentham,"ÌýHistoire des représentations du marché, (Paris : Houdiard) 709-28
  • Jackson, Bernard S. (1998) "Bentham, Truth and the Semiotics of Law," in Freeman (ed.) (1998) (Current Legal ProblemsÌý51): 493-531
  • Jackson, P. T. (2002) "Jeremy Bentham, Foreign Secretary; or, the Opportunity Costs of Neo-Utilitarian Analysis of Foreign Policy,"ÌýReview of International Political EconomyÌý9: 735-53
  • Jackson, R. V. (1989) "Bentham's Penal Theory in Action: The Case Against New South Wales,"ÌýUtilitasÌý1: 226-41
  • Jackson, R. V. (1993) "Theory and Evidence: Bentham, Collins, and the New South Wales Penal Settlement,"ÌýAustralian Journal of Politics and HistoryÌý39: 318-29
  • Jackson, R. V. (1998) "Jeremy Bentham and the New South Wales Convicts,"ÌýInternational Journal of Social EconomicsÌý25: 370-379
  • Jacobs, Struan (1990) "Bentham, Science and the Construction of Jurisprudence,"ÌýJournal of the History of European IdeasÌý12: 583-594
  • Jager, M. (2000) "Beccaria in Bentham kot predhodnika ekonmiske analize kazenskega prav,"ÌýZbornik Znanstvenih RazpravÌý60: 97-117
  • Janover, L. (1989) "Liberté, Égalité, Propriété et Bentham,"ÌýEconomies et SociétésÌý23: 97-120
  • Jasay, Anthony de (2003)Ìý"More Nonsense upon Stilts: Mr Bentham is at it again," 7th IEA (Institute of Economic Affairs) Discussion Paper
  • Johnston, Jane. (2018), "Three phases of courts' publicity: reconfiguring Bentham's open justice in the twenty-first century", International Journal of Law in Context 14: 525-38
  • Jonsen, Albert R. (1989) "Bentham in a Box,"ÌýNational ForumÌý69: 33-5
  • Jose, Jim (2000)Ìý"Contesting Patrilineal Descent in Political Theory: James Mill and Nineteenth-Century Feminism,"ÌýHypatiaÌý15: 151-174