

Bentham Project


Articles M-P

  • Maas, H. (2005) "Jevons, Mill and the private laboratory of the mind,"Manchester School73: 620-49
  • Maraviglia, M. (2006) "A proposito del saggio di Giacomo Samek Lodovici 'L'utilita del bene'. Jeremy Bentham, l'utilitarismo e il consequenzialismo,"Aquinas-Rome49: 639-70
  • Marciniak, Angela (2017) ‘ “Prevention of evil, production of good”: Jeremy Bentham’s indirect legislation and its contribution to a new theory of prevention’, History of European Ideas, 43:1, pp. 83-105.
  • Martin, L. L. (1997) "Jeremy Bentham: Utilitarianism, Public Policy, and the Administrative State,"Public Administration and Public Policy66: 111-124
  • Martin, L. L. (2003) "Jeremy Bentham: On Organizational Theory and Decision Making, Public Policy Analysis and Administrative Management,"International Journal of Organisation Theory and Behaviour6: 144-160
  • Martin, Xavier (2000) "Target, Bentham et le Code Civil,"Revue d'histoire des facultés de droit21: 121-148
  • Marturano, Antonio (1995) "La idea de Bentham de la lógica deóntica,"Télos4: 49-82
  • Mathis, Klaus and Deborah Shannon (2009) "Jeremy Bentham's Utilitarianism," inEfficiency Instead of Justice?(Law and Philosophy Library, vol. 84) (Springer: Netherlands) 103-119
  • Mathon, Vincent-Emmanuel (2012) ‘Bentham’s Geometrics as Applied to the Internet Age and the Global Economy: Bentham 2.0’, Journal of Bentham Studies, 14:1, pp. 1-9.
  • McCloskey, Deirdre (2005) "The Demoralization of Economics: Can We Recover from Bentham and Return to Smith?" in Martha Albertson Fineman and Terence Dougherty (eds.)Feminism Confronts Homo Economicus: Gender, Law, and Society(Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press): 20-31
  • McHugh, James T. (2008)"Utilitarianism, Punishment, and Ideal Proportionality in Penal Law: Punishment as an Intrinsic Evil," Journal of Bentham Studies 10
  • McHugh, James T. (2008)"Utilitarianism, Punishment, and Ideal Proportionality in Penal Law: Punishment as an Intrinsic Evil," Journal of Bentham Studies 10
  • McLaughlin, Kevin (1996) "The Financial Imp: Ethics and Finance in Nineteenth-Century Fiction," A Forum on Fiction 29:165-183 <
  • McNamee, M. J. (2001) "The limits of Utilitarianism as a Professional Ethic in Public Sector Leisure Policy and Provision,"Leisure Studies20: 173-197
  • McNamee, M. J. (2001) "The limits of Utilitarianism as a Professional Ethic in Public Sector Leisure Policy and Provision,"Leisure Studies20: 173-97
  • Medema, Steven G. (2007) "Sidgwick's Utilitarian Analysis of Law: A Bridge from Bentham to Becker?" American Law and Economics Review 9
  • Melero, García and Enrique, José (2000) "El panóptico de Bentham en los proyectos de la Academia: 1814-1844,"Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie 7, Historia del arte13: 293-328
  • Mews, C. J. (2007) "Usury and just compensation: Religious and financial ethics in historical perspective,"Journal of Business Ethics72: 1-15
  • Michéa, Jean-Claude (1995) "Peut-on ramener la société à la raison?,"Revue du M.A.U.S.S.6: 147-157
  • Milnes, Tim (2005) "'Darkening knowledge': Hazlitt and Bentham on the limits of empiricism," in Natarajan, Uttara, Tom Paulin and Duncan Wu (eds.)Metaphysical Hazlitt: bicentenary essays(London, New York: Routledge): 125-36
  • Mini, P. (1990/1) "Keynes, Bentham ed il capitalismo,"Rivista di Politica Economica73-85
  • Mini, Peter V. (1991) "The Anti-Benthamism of J. M. Keynes: Implications for the General Theory,"American Journal of Economics and Sociology50: 453-68
  • Mirow, M.C. (2000) "The Power of Codification in Latin America: Simón Bolívar and theCode Napoléon,"Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law8: 83-116
  • Mitchell, Wesley C. (1999) "Bentham's Felicific Calculus," inThe Backward Art of Spending Money(Reprint of 1st edn. 1918, new pref. & intro. Eli Ginzberg) (London: Transaction)
  • Moen, Ole Martin (2015) ‘Hedonism Before Bentham’, Journal of Bentham Studies, 17:1, pp. 1-18.
  • Mohan Rao, J. (1999) "Freedom, Equality, Property and Bentham: The Debate Over Unfree Labour,"Journal of Peasant Studies27: 97-127
  • Molivas, G.I. (1999) "A Right, Utility and the Definition of Liberty as a Negative Idea: Richard Hey and the Benthamite Conception of Liberty,"History of European Ideas25: 75-92
  • Moncho, Josep (1994) "Moral y derecho en Bentham,"Revista de Filosofía19: 35-40
  • Mongin, Philippe and Nathalie Sigot (1999)"Halévy's BenthamisBentham,"Philosophy74: 271-81
  • Montefiore, Simon Sebag (2003) "Prince Potemkin and the Benthams - An unlikely project to create an English village in Belorussia involving Catherine the Great's lover and the philosopher Jeremy Bentham and his brother,"History Today53: 38-45
  • Montoya, José (1996) "Bentham y los derechos humanos,"Télos5: 9-24
  • Morgan, Guy J. (2007) "The 'use of the dead to the living': Jeremy Bentham, Thomas Southwood Smith, happiness and dissection,"Trivium37: 45-64
  • Morgan, Rod (2000) "The Utilitarian Justification of Torture: Denial, Desert and Disinformation,"Punishment and Society2: 181-96
  • Mulvihill, James (1989) "The Poetics of Utility: Benthamite Literary Reviewing, 1824-1836,"English Studies in Canada15: 149-61
  • Mulvihill, James (1996) "Jeremy Bentham," in Gary Kelly and Edd Applegate (eds.),British Reform Writers, 1789-1832, Dictionary of Literary Biography 158 (Detroit: Gale Research Inc.): 25-35
  • Mulvihill, James (2002) "Bentham and Elocution,"Notes and Queries49: 471-73
  • Munday, Roderick "Bentham, Bacon and the Movement for the Reform of English Law Reporting,"Utilitas4: 299-316
  • Naffine, Ngaire (2000) "When Does the Legal Person Die - Jeremy Bentham and the Auto-Icon,"Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy25: 79-95
  • Nagai, Yoshio (2000) "Smith and Bentham on Jurisprudence: English Utilitarianism in Contrast with the Scottish Enlightenment,"Enlightenment and Dissent19: 1-22
  • Niesen, Peter (2003) "Mühle, die Schurken ehrlich mahlt: Jeremy Benthams Panoptikum," ("Mill for grinding rogues honest: Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon,")Neue Rundschau114: 9-13
  • Niesen, Peter (2006) "Varieties of Cosmopolitanism. Bentham and Kant on International Politics," in Luigi Caranti (ed.)Kant's Perpetual Peace. New Interpretative Essays(Rome: Luiss University Press): 247-88
  • Niesen, Peter (2007) "The 'West divided'? Bentham and Kant on law and ethics in foreign policy," in David Chandler and Volker Heins (eds.)Rethinking Ethical Foreign Policy: Pitfalls, possibilities and paradoxes(Abingdon, Oxon. and New York, NY: Routledge): 93-115
  • Niesen, Peter (2008) "Die Macht der Publizität. Jeremy Benthams Panoptismen," in Ralf Krause and Marc Rölli (eds.)Macht: Begriff und Wirkung in der politschen Philosophie der Gegenwart(Bielefeld: Transcript): 221-44
  • Niesen, Peter (2009) "Nützlichkeit, Sicherheit, Demokratie: Zur neueren Diskussion um Jeremy Benthams Utilitarismus,"Neue Politische Literatur54: 241-59
  • Niesen, Peter (2019) "Speech, truth and liberty: Bentham to John Stuart Mill", Journal of Bentham Studies 18: 1-19
  • Niesen, Peter (2009) "Tribunal der Zeitungsleser. Bentham über schwache und starke Öffentlichkeiten," in Olaf Asbach (ed.)Von Nutzen des Staates. Das Staatsverständnis des klassischen Utilitarismus: Hume-Bentham-Mill(Baden-Baden: Nomos): 153-82
  • Niesen, Peter (2009) "Une petite mappemonde du chaos: La délibération parlementaire chez Bentham et Dumont," in Emmanuelle de Champs & Jean-Pierre Cléro (eds.),Bentham et la France:fortune et infortunes de l'utilitarisme(Oxford: SVEC): 129-41
  • Niesen, Peter (2009) "Vom Nutzen der Toten für die Lebenden. Zu Jeremy Benthams 'Staatseinnahmen ohne Belastung',"Berliner Debatte/Initial20: 62-9
  • Nieto Arango, Luis Enrique (2002) "Jeremy Bentham y el Rosario," in Sanín Fonnegraet al.(2002): 15-18
  • Nodier, Luc Marie (1995) "Définition de l'utilitarisme,"Revue du M.A.U.S.S.6: 15-30
  • Nussbaum, M. C. (2004) "Mill between Aristotle & Bentham,"Daedalus133: 60-8
  • Nussbaum, Martha C. (2005)"Mill Between Aristotle and Bentham," in Luigino Bruni and Pier-Luigi Porta (eds.)Economics and Happiness: Framing the Analysis(Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press)
  • Nussbaum, Martha C. (2008) "Who is the happy warrior? Philosophy poses questions to psychology,"Journal of Legal Studies37: 81-114
  • O'Dell, T.H. (1995) "Jeremy Bentham: An Intellectual Property Speculator?,"Intellectual Property Journal9: 213-20
  • Oldham, James (1991) "From Blackstone to Bentham: Common Law versus Legislation in Eighteenth Century Britain,"Michigan Law Review89: 1637-60
  • Olivecrona, K. (1990) "La volontà del sovrano: riflessioni sul concetto di legge di Bentham," in Castignone, S. and R. Guastini (eds; trans. M. Ripoli)Realismo giuridico e analisi del linguaggio(Genova, ECIG). Also published in Castignone, S., C. Faralli, M. Ripoli and K. Olivecrona (eds.) (2000)La realtà del diritto. Antologia di scritti(Torino: Giappichelli)
  • Olivieri, M.(2008) "Anti-Senatica: Bentham e il sistema politico e istituzionale degli Stati Uniti,"Pensiero Politico41: 169-88
  • Olsen, Frances (1998) "Some Jurisprudential Foundations of Critical Legal Studies and Feminist Legal Theory," in Freeman (ed.) (1998) (Current Legal Problems51): 533-61
  • O'Sullivan, Luke (2001) "Oakeshott on Bentham and J.S. Mill,"Collingwood and British Idealism Studies8: 123-42
  • Otonashi, Michihiro (1993) "Iwayuru Bauringu-Han 'Bensamu Zenshu' No Seiritsu Keika To Henshusha Mondai" (The so-called Bowring edition of Jeremy Bentham's works and editorship issues)Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought(Japan) 31: 14-26
  • Otonashi, Michihiro (1997) "British Empirical Theories and Religion: Locke, Hume and Bentham,"Keizaikei: Quarterly Journal of Economics193: 1-18
  • Parekh, B. (1993) "Bentham's Theory of Virtue," in Barbara Darling-Smith (ed.),Can Virtue be Taught?(Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press): 53-68
  • Peach, Terry (1997) "The Age of the Universal Consumer: a Reconsideration of Ricardo's Politics,"European Journal of the History of Economic Thought4: 217-236
  • Peart, Sandra J. and David M. Levy(2004) "Sympathy and its discontents: 'Greatest happiness' versus the 'general good'," The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought11: 453-478
  • Pease-Watkin, Catherine (2002)"Jeremy and Samuel Bentham - The Private and the Public,"Journal of Bentham Studies5
  • Pease-Watkin, Catherine (2003)Bentham's Panopticon and Dumont'sPanoptiqueJournal of Bentham Studies 6
  • Pease-Watkin, Catherine (2004) "A Note on Annotating Bentham,"Notes and Queries51: 128-30
  • Pease-Watkin, Catherine (2006)"The Influence of Mary Bentham on John Stuart Mill,"Journal of Bentham Studies 8
  • Pellegrino, G. (2002) "La volontà del sovrano: epistemologia, semantica e definizione di "legge" nell'utilitarismo giuridico di Jeremy Bentham,"Materiali per una storia della cultura giuridica4: 3-24
  • Penna, D. (2005) "Some notes on Jeremy Bentham's involvement in Greek legal affairs in the early years of the formation of the Greek State (1821-1824),"Groninger Opmerkingen en Mededelingen XXII1-19
  • Penrose, B. (1998) "Mill on Voting as a Public Trust,"South African Journal of Philosophy17: 161-172
  • Peonidis, Filimon (2009) "Bentham and the Greek Revolution: New Evidence,"Journal of Bentham Studies 11
  • Peonidis, Filmon (2011) ‘Jeremy Bentham’s “unusually liberal” representative democracy, History of European Ideas, 37:4, pp. 446-453.
  • Perelman, M. (1998) "The Neglected Economics of Trust: The Bentham Paradox and Its Implication,"American Journal of Economics and Sociology57: 381-90
  • Perez Luno, Antonio Enrique (1992) "Jeremy Bentham y la educacion juridica en la Universidad de Salamanca durante el siglo XIX,"Télos1: 69-94
  • Perreau-Saussine, Amanda (2004) "Bentham and the boot-strappers of jurisprudence: the moral commitments of a rationalist legal positivist,"Cambridge Law Journal63: 346-383
  • Perrini, M. (1995) "L'utilitarismo come visione della vita e i suoi maestri: l'aritmetica morale di Bentham,"Studium91: 371-82
  • Persky, Joseph (2007) "Retrospectives: From Usury to Interest,"The Journal of Economic Perspectives21: 227-236
  • Pesciarrelli, E. (1989) "Smith, Bentham and the Development of Contrasting Ideas of Entrepreneurship,"History of Political Economy21: 521-36
  • Petterson, Lars (1992)Frihet jämlikhet, egendom och Bentham: Utvecklingslinjer i svensk folkundervisning mellan feodalism och kapitalism, 1809-1860, Studia Historica Upsaliensia 168(Uppsala: Uppsala University)
  • Pettit, Philip (2009) "Law and Liberty," in Samantha Besson and Martí José Luis (eds.)Legal Republicanism: National and International Perspectives39-60 (Oxford Scholarship Online Monographs)
  • Pettit, Philip William (1999) "Before Negative and Positive Liberty," inRepublicanism - A Theory of Freedom and Government<
  • Picon, Dorothée (2004) "La critique de l'utilitarisme dans l'œuvre de Dostoïevski,"
  • Pitkin, Hanna Fenichel (1990) "Slippery Bentham: Some Neglected Cracks in the Foundations of Utilitarianism,"Political Theory18: 104-31; reprinted in Parekh (ed.) (1993) 3: 534-60; and in Mukherjee and Ramaswamy (eds.) (1995): 155-85
  • Pitts, Jennifer (2003) "Legislator of the World?: A Rereading of Bentham on Colonies,"Political Theory31: 200-234
  • Plassart, A. (2008) "James Mill's treatment of religion and the History of British India,"History of European Ideas34: 526-34
  • Plazas Vega, Mauricio A. (2002) "Jeremías Bentham: El Newton del derecho," in Sanín Fonnegraet al.(2002): 81-154
  • Polat, N. (2000) "Three Contemporaries: The International, Bentham, and de Sade,"Social Text18: 1-23
  • Polloczek, D. P. (1999) "Utilitarian Conscience and Legal Fictions in Bentham,"Angelaki4: 81-98
  • Porter, Roy (1994) "Rethinking Institutions in Late Victorian England,"Utilitas6: 65-80.
  • Posner, Richard (1998) "Bentham's Influence on the Law and Economics Movement," in Freeman (ed.) (1998) (Current Legal Problems51): 425-39
  • Posner, Richard A. (2005) "The Law and Economics Movement: From Bentham to Becker," in Francesco Parisi and Charles K. Rowley (eds.)The Origins of Law and Economics: Essays by the Founding Fathers(The Locke Institute series) (Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, MA: Elgar): 328-49
  • Postema, Gerald J. (1989) "Bentham on the Public Character of Law,"Utilitas1: 41-61; reprinted in Parekh (ed.) (1993) 3: 16383; and in Postema (ed.) (2002) 2: 65-85
  • Postema, Gerald J. (1989) "In Defence of 'French Nonsense': Fundamental Rights in Constitutional Jurisprudence," in N. MacCormick and Z. Bankowski (eds.)Enlightenment, Rights and Revolution(Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press): 107-33
  • Postema, Gerald J. (1998) "Bentham's Equality-Sensitive Utilitarianism,"Utilitas10: 144-158; reprinted in Postema (ed.) (2002) 1: 137-51
  • Postema, Gerald J. (2006) "Interests, Universal and Particular: Bentham's Utilitarian Theory of Value,"Utilitas18: 109-133
  • Postema, Gerald, J. (2005) "Bentham's utilitarianism," in Henry West (ed.)The Blackwell Guide to Mill's Utilitarianism(Oxford: Blackwell)
  • Powers, Madison (2005)"Bioethics as Politics: The Limits of Moral Expertise,"Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal15: 305-22
  • Prest, John (1994) "Between Crown and People: Whig Politics in the Age of Fox and Grey,"Historical Journal37: 705-8
  • Primoratz, Igor (1989) "The Utility of Punishment: Bentham," in Igor Primoratz,Justifying Legal Punishment(Amherst, Humanity Books): 15-31; reprinted in Postema (ed.) (2002) 2: 329-47
  • Pypin, A. N. (2002) "Bentham's Russian Relations," (trans. N. Renaud) inSudebnik7: 581-623, and also in (2002) W. E. Butler and J. E. Henderson (eds.)Russian Legal Texts: The Foundations of a Rule-of-Law and a Market Economy(London: Simmonds & Hill). The Pypin essay was first published in 1917 inEssays on Literature and Society Under Alexander I(OGNI: Petrograd)
  • Pyra, Leszek (2006) "Men in Front of Animals," in Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.)Analecta Husserliana: The Yearbook of Phenomenological Researchvol. 91,Logos of Phenomenology and Phenomenology of the Logos, Bk. 4 (Dordrecht, London: Springer): 151-65