
UCL Cancer Institute


WP3 - Biobanking, reference pathology and molecular characterisation

The aim of work package 3 is:

  • to standardise the collection and storage of patient samples
  • to make sure that the samples are of high quality
  • to create an anonymised database of the samples available
  • to carry out testing on the samples using molecular techniques

The following deliverables will be completed for WP3:

Deliverable numberDescription*Month dueDocument link
D3.1Standard operation Procedures6Confidential
D3.2Annotation of biomaterial in the virtual biobank12Confidential
D3.3Comprehensive molecular characterisation72Confidential
D3.4Validation of biomarkers on TMA72Confidential

None of the documents for this work package can be viewed by the public.

*Month 1 is October 2013
