
UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science


December 2019

Editor – Barbara Kramarz

Blood-brain barrier annotation progress and ontology revisions

Mila and Barbara continue to work on GO annotation of theÌýblood-brain barrier (BBB) proteins, reviewed byÌý, and listed on ourÌýwebpage. To date, Mila has curated 24 endothelial junction proteins, resulting in over 300 annotations, and 10 BBB ‘receptor-mediated transport’ proteins, resulting in over 150 annotations. Barbara has contributed over 250 annotations for 22Ìýadditional BBB transport proteins. In total,ÌýÌýprojects have so far resulted in 8961 annotations for 1410 gene products (data from QuickGO, accessed 25thÌýNov 2019). Additionally, Mila’s work on endothelial junctions led her to identify and investigate out-of-date information about ‘cell-cell adherens’-related GO terms. As aÌýresult, Barbara has also been revising the cell junction ontology (e.g. GHÌýissuesÌý,Ìý,Ìý) and coordinating related annotation reviews (e.g. GH issuesÌý,Ìý,Ìý-) to ensure the information in GO is accurate and up to date. We thank Helen Attrill fromÌýÌýfor her help with these revisions.

New microRNA annotation projects

, our last year’s MSc project student whoÌýÌýa distinction and joint top marks in the Genetics of Human Disease MSc course, hasÌýÌýand is annotating microRNAs (miRs) that regulate the expression of interleukins. This 4-month project, funded from the Functional Gene Annotation group’s discretionary funds, encompasses the curation of both cardiovascular and neurological processes, and, therefore, her annotations will be attributed to either BHF-UCL or ARUK-UCL. The list of the prioritised interleukin targets can be viewed on ourÌýwebpage.

, an intercalated BSc (iBSc) medical student, is going to continue GO annotation of miRs that regulate angiogenesis, anÌýarea previouslyÌýcuratedÌý²ú²â . After curation of these miRs Marios will integrate annotation data from both projects to create an angiogenesis miR-mRNA interaction network.

Revision of transcription factor ontology

Following continued GREEKC discussions and a recent meeting in Sarajevo (), the revision of theÌý‘DNA-binding transcription factor’ ontology is also leading to a revision of the list of proteins associated with the GO termÌýÌýDNA-binding transcription factor activityÌý(and child terms), which Ruth is contributing to. With almost 5000 annotations associated with over 1000 human proteins, checking the accuracy of these is a challenging task.

Meetings attended

September:ÌýBarbara gave aÌýÌýabout GO and functional analysis tools at the Qatar University Laboratory Animal Research Center (), Doha; Ruth gave aÌýpresentationÌýand presented aÌýposterÌýabout GO annotation of miRs at theÌýÌýConferenceÌýat the Wellcome Genome Campus,ÌýHinxton;ÌýShirin presented aÌýposterÌýabout GO curation of miRs in Alzheimer’s disease at theÌýÌýin London.Ìý

October:ÌýRuth participated in discussions on ontology and annotation revisions at theÌýÌýin Berkeley, California, and gave aÌýpresentation at the GOÌýÌýentitled:ÌýInterpretingÌýmicroRNAÌýnetworks with GO;ÌýShirin presented aÌýposterÌýabout GO annotation of cardiovascular processes at theÌýÌýin London.Ìý

November:ÌýRuth participated in discussions about annotation of transcription factors at theÌýÌýGeneÌýRegulation Ensemble Effort for the Knowledge CommonsÌýin Sarajevo and gave a presentation about GO curation of miRs and participated in discussions onÌýÌýdata integration and usability at theÌýÌýat the Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton.

Recent Publications

Panni S, Lovering RC, Porras P, Orchard S.ÌýNon-coding RNA regulatory networks. Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech. 2019 Sep 4:194417. PMID:.

Kramarz B and Lovering RC.ÌýGene Ontology: A Resource for Analysis and Interpretation of Alzheimer’s Disease Data. In Wisniewski, T (ed),ÌýÌý(ChapterÌý2, pp. 23-36). November 21, 2019.ÌýCodon Publications. DOI:Ìý