
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Training Requirements

All staff and researchers must attend a Local Fire Safety Induction and complete the Fire Safety & UCL Safety training courses on their first day of work.

Local inductions are normally carried out by line managers or area safety reps. Researchers will not be permitted to work in the lab until they have completed all their mandatory safety training.

The table below shows the essential training requirements for all staff, researchers, and masters students in the department.Ìý

All StaffLocal Fire SafetyGuided Tour - Manager/Area Safety Rep (refreshed every two years)Ìý
All StaffFire Safety- First Day
All StaffUCL Safety Induction - First Day
Then EITHER Lab OR Office Safety in Chemical Engineering
Office-based StaffOffice Safety in Chemical Engineering(Code: UCLChemEng) - First Day
Lab-based StaffLaboratory Safety in Chemical Engineering(Code: UCLChemEng) - First Day

The table below shows mandatory training for lab-based staff, researchers, and masters students.

All Lab-based Staff and StudentsLocal Lab InductionGuided Tour - Manager/Area Safety RepÌý
Lab-based PhD and MSc StudentsLab Risk Assessment WorkshopDepartmental Workshop
Lab-based PhD and MSc StudentsPrinciples of Risk AssessmentÌý

The table below shows additional specific mandatory training for specific lab users and defined roles.Ìý

Compressed Gas UsersUsing Gas Cylinders Safely within UniversitieseLearning provided by Gas Safe Consultants
Compressed Gas UsersPressure SafetyDepartmental Workshop and (Code: CECG)
Compressed Gas UsersConnecting regulators and safe cylinder set-up trainingInstructor Lead Course
Liquid Nitrogen UsersSafe Decanting of Liquid NitrogenInstructor Lead Course
Liquid Nitrogen UsersUsing Liquid Nitrogen Safely Within UniversitieseLearning provided by Gas Safe Consultants
Radioactive Material UsersPrinciples of Radiation Safety (SHURS)
Radioactive Material UsersSafe Handling of Unsealed Radioactive Sources

Instructor Lead Course

X-Ray UsersSafe Use of X-rays
X-Ray ManagersManagement of X-rays
Laser UsersLaser Safety Awareness
Fire Evacuation MarshallsFire Evacuation Marshal (FEM) Training
Fire Evacuation MarshallsSafe Use of Fire ExtinguishersInstructor Lead Course

Completion certificates of all completed safety training should be sent to: chemeng.safety@ucl.ac.uk.ÌýÌý