
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Departmental Roles

Admissions Tutor
Undergraduate - George Manos
MSc Process Engineering - Luca Mazzei
MSc Natural Resources - Alberto Striolo
Oversees the admissions process, approving pre-selected applicants, and determining the number of offers made.
Year Abroad & Affiliate Tutor
Ryan Wang
Responsible for advising students with regard to the year abroad, as well as affiliates.
Chair of Board of Examiners
Undergraduate - Eva Sorensen
MSc Process Engineering - Eric Fraga
Extenuating Circumstances - Vivek Dua
Ensure that examination procedures are followed, exam papers are double-marked and adjudicated by the External Examiner, and that the meeting of the Board is conducted fairly and according to the rules. Responsible for drawing up the marking schedule.
Exams Liaison Officer (ELO)
Narinder Malhotra
Liaises with External Examiner, responsible for collating and uploading marks and preparation of all material for Exam Board meetings.
Personal Tutor

Responsible for pastoral care and available to discuss any problems whether academic or personal. May be approached for references regarding summer jobs, stages, postgraduate study, or full-time employment. Please refer to the Personal Tutors Portal for more information.
Careers Liaison Officer
Panagiota Angeli
Organises career information events and refers students to the for further advice. Mala Mohindru (m.mohindru@ucl.ac.uk), is the Employer Engagement Officer for UCL Engineering
Green Champion
Stefan Guldin
Oversees the local implementation of Õ¬ÄÐÊÓƵ environmental sustainability policies.
E-Learning Champion
Mazaher Molaei Chalchoogh
Oversees the local implementation of .
Departmental Safety Officer
Simon Barrass
Assists the Head of Department with the implementation of by regularly reviewing local health and safety arrangements.
Departmental Equal Opportunities Liaison Officer (DEOLO)
Luca Mazzei
Assists the Head of Department with the implementation of by acting as a local resource.
Michail Stamatakis
Represents the department at Faculty Library Committee meetings and manages the departmental book budget