
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


UCL students collect their Macnab-Lacey Student Design Prize 2016-17 award

25 May 2018

The UCL winners of the 2017 IChemE Sustainability SIG Macnab-Lacey Student Design Prize collected their awards from John McGagh, IChemE President 2017-18, at the IChemE Annual General Meeting held at the Institution of Engineering and Technology, London on 21 May 2018.The student winners Rhemet Chaggar, Simran Chaggar, Spyros Dimoulas, Serena Dosanjh, Tanya Ghannam and Ashwath Manavazahagan, who were supervised by Daniele Pacifici, won their award for their project entitled ‘Biochemical Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Ethanol’. 

TheIChemE Sustainability SIG Macnab-Lacey award is given to undergraduate students whose design project submission best shows how chemical engineering can contribute to a more sustainable world. The focus of undergraduate students’ entry was to deliver a design for fuel grade ethanol from second-generation biomass. Their design focused on technology selection & modification, optimisation, using all by-products and environmental assessment with a target of carbon-neutrality. For more information on their winning entry please seeÂ