
UCL Computer Science


Professor Alexandra Silva receives 2020 ERC Consolidator Grant

10 December 2020

Professor Silva is now a second-time recipient of an ERC grant, having received an ERC starting grant in 2015 and an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2020

Prof Alexandra Silva wearing glasses with hands pressed together

Prof. Alexandra Silva was awarded 2M euros for her project "Automated Probabilistic Black-Box Verification". The central objective of the project is to develop a new verification framework that enables automated model-based verification for probabilistic and concurrent systems, motivated by applications in networks.

Alexandra is very excited about this opportunity and stresses the impact such prestigious personal fellowships have in young scientists' careers:

“"I feel very fortunate to have been awarded an ERC consolidator. This will enable me to continue leading a research team working on topics very close to my interests -- programming language semantics and verification. ERC fellowships are very special as they provide a substantial amount of funding that enable a scientist to focus on research with a large team for 5 years."

This is the second ERC grant for Prof. Silva: in 2015 she was awarded an ERC starting grant (1.5M euros).

Read more about UCL's ERC Consolidator Grant recipients in UCL News
