

UCL Computer Science


Professor Mirco Musolesi awarded 10-year Impact Award at ACM UbiComp 2021

4 October 2021

Professor Mirco Musolesi was awarded the 10-year Impact Award for the paper “EmotionSense: a mobile phones based adaptive platform for experimental social psychology research” at ACM UbiComp 2021.


ACM UbiComp () is the flagship ACM conference in the area of Ubiquitous Computing.

Mirco Musolesi and colleagues were awarded the prestigious 10-year Impact “test-of-time” award that is given to papers that had a strong impact on the UbiComp research community in the past 10 years. The original paper was published at ACM UbiComp 2010.

The citation of the award is the following:

This work proposed a mobile platform that collects sensor data from mobile phones running Nokia’s Symbian OS and uses that to infer emotions as well as social interactions. The software produced was also open-sourced (which was rare at the time), and this allowed other researchers in the community to perform in-the-wild, large-scale social psychological studies.

This use of mobile sensing to understand user emotions was an extremely novel use case at that time and this work has inspired a wide variety of future studies published at later UbiComp and other mobile sensing venues.”

Mirco Musolesi
  • Link to the paper:
  • Link to the ACM Digital Library:
  • Link to Professor Mirco Musolesi: