
UCL Computer Science


Top students in AI for Sustainable Development MSc win award for academic excellence 

21 May 2024

Zekun Wu and Henning Heyen, exceptional scholars on the UCL Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development MSc, have been recognised as the highest-performing students on their cohort, receiving prestigious financial awards of £3000 and £2000, respectively.

headshot of students Henning Heyen and Zekyn Wu

Zekun Wu and Henning Heyen have been honoured as the top achievers in their MSc programme in Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development at UCL Computer Science.

The awards, generously funded by Carbon Re, an AI software provider focused on decarbonisation, recognise the students' exceptional academic excellence with financial prizes of £3000 and £2000 respectively.Ìý

Commenting on the awards, Programme Director Dr Maria Perez Ortiz, said: "Both students demonstrated incredible strength and discipline, excelling in various courses and managing multiple deadlines, coursework, and exams. Their data science analyses were not only publication-worthy but also reflected great critical thinking by exploring the ethical dimensions of AI and its sustainability."Ìý

Dr Perez-Ortiz added: "They both proposed unique research questions for their theses, resulting in publications at highly competitive scientific conferences and workshops. This achievement is a testament to their awareness of the field and their ability to navigate complex challenges."Ìý

Zekun and Henning shared their thoughts on winning the award, their experiences in the programme, and their plans for the future.Ìý

How does it feel to win?Ìý

Zekun: Winning the £3000 prize is incredibly rewarding and affirming. I am deeply grateful to the UCL academic staff, my colleagues at Holistic AI, my family, and friends for their support.Ìý

Henning: I was overwhelmed when I found out I had won the prize. It was a happy moment that made me realise how much I had learnt in such a short time.Ìý

What was your programme like?Ìý

Zekun: The programme was both challenging and enlightening, offering a comprehensive overview of AI technologies and their applications in sustainable development. The curriculum included practical projects and case studies that illustrated real-world implications of AI. Collaborating with organisations like Holistic AI and Carbon Re provided valuable industrial opportunities.Ìý

Henning: The programme offered a good balance between AI fundamentals and applications. Its multidisciplinary approach blended technical foundations with real-world projects on environmental, societal, and economic sustainability. Guest lectures from industry leaders and startup founders were particularly enriching. There was always room to discuss the risks associated with AI, which was important to me. The supportive environment among students and lecturers was another highlight.Ìý

What are you doing next?Ìý

Zekun: I am now a full-time AI researcher at Holistic AI, focusing on AI auditing, risk governance, and mitigation. Simultaneously, I am a part-time PhD student at UCL, continuing my work in responsible and sustainable AI.Ìý

Henning: After graduation, I took some time to travel in Asia. Now, I am interviewing for positions as a data scientist or machine learning engineer with both startups and a big tech company. The job market is tough, but I am optimistic.Ìý

Any tips for future students for getting top grades?Ìý

Zekun: Engage deeply with the material and understand the concepts and their applications. Participate actively in discussions and projects, seek feedback, and manage your time effectively. Stay curious and explore beyond the curriculum, keeping up with the latest research and technologies.Ìý

Henning: Grades aren't everything! A prize like this should not be your main motivation. What matters is what you learn. Accept help from others, discuss study material with fellow students, and seek feedback on coursework and dissertation projects. Everyone is very helpful.Ìý