
The Constitution Unit


Pre-2016 events

Public Seminars


Date: 10 September 2015, 6pm
Speaker: Professor Jim Gallagher (Oxford University)
Legislating for the Long Goodbye: How might Parliament handle the Brexit process?
Date: 15 September 2015, 1pm
Speakers:ÌýPaul Evans, Clerk of the Journals in the House of Commons, and Christopher Johnson, Principal Clerk of the EU Select Committee in the House of Lords.

Date: 10 September 2015, 6pm
Speaker: Professor Jim Gallagher (Oxford University)
The EU Referendum: Public Information and Regulation of Campaigning
Date: 17 September 2015, 6pm
Speaker: Professor Jack Vowles (Auckland) & Professor Sara Hobolt (LSE)
Watch Jack Vowles video
Watch Sara Hobolt video
The Future of the BBC
Date: 19 October 2015, 6pm
Speaker: Lord Fowler
50 fewer MPs: challenges for the next constituencies review?
Date: 27 October 2015, 6pm
Speaker: Prof Ron Jonston & Tony Bellringer
Britain's New Political Class: All Change in the House?
Date: 30 November 2015, 6pm
Speaker: Dr Jennifer Hudson,
Watch video >
Social Union in a New Era of Devolution
Date: 3 December 2015, 6pm
Speaker: Angus Robertson MP
Watch video >


Succession to the Crown of Canada - The Court Challenge and the Consequences
Date: 18 September 2014
Professor Anne Twomey (University of Sydney)

The Day After Judgement: Scotland and the UK after the referendum
Date: 22 October 2014
Professor Iain McLean & Professor Jim Gallagher (Oxford University)
A Constitutional Convention for the UK: What Form Should It Take?
Date: 12 November 2014
Dr Alan Renwick (University of Reading) & Katie Ghose (ERS)
Watch video >
Extreme Devolution: How it works in Bermuda
Date:Ìý1 December 2014
George Fergusson (Governor of Bermuda)
Reforming Electoral Law
Date:Ìý28 January 2015
Nicholas Paines QC & Henni Ouahes (Law Commission)
watch video >
'Austerity, inequality and the Scottish approach to economic growth'
Date:Ìý11 February 2015
The Right Honourable Nicola Sturgeon MSP (First Minister of Scotland)
Farewell to the Commons: Reflections on parliamentary change over 40 years
Date:Ìý4 March 2015, 6pm
Rt Hon Sir George Young MP & Rt Hon Jack Straw MP
Forecasting the 2015 Election result, and preparing for a hung Parliament
Date:Ìý12 March 2015
Sir Gus O'Donnell and David Cowling (BBC)
The 2010 Parliament - and a look forward
Date:Ìý14 March 2015
Lord Lisvane, formerly Sir Robert Rogers
Coalition or Minority Government in May?
Date:Ìý15 April 2015
Professor Robert Hazell & Peter Riddell (Institute for Government)
A Roundtable on 2015: The Campaign & General Election in Review
Date:3 June 2015, 6pm
Rosie Campbell, Justin Fisher, Matt Goodwin, Ben Lauderdale & Joe Twyman
Watch videos >
The New Government's Constitutional Reform Programme
Date:Ìý8 June 2015
Robert Hazell & Fraser Nelson (The Spectator)
watch videos >
Repealing the Human Rights Act: what will replace it?
Date:Ìý30 June 2015Ìý
Martin Howe QC

2013 - 14

The Committee on Standards in Public Life-a new lease of life after 19 yrs - Prof Peter Riddell & Richard Thomas CBE LLD (2 Oct 2013)

Scotland's Choices: What Does 'No' Mean? - Prof Jim Gallagher (16 Oct 2013)
The House of Lords: Westminster Bicameralism Revived - Dr Meg Russell & Mark D'Arcy (12 Nov 2013)

Exploring Constitute: A New Tool for Searching National Constitutions - Dr James Melton (11 Dec 2013)
Accountability and Leadership in 21st Century Whitehall - Bernard Jenkin MP (22 Jan 2014)
Constitutional Reform in the Age of Arab Revolutions: Overcoming the Legacy of Totalitarianism - Zaid Al-Ali (10 Feb 2014)
- Prof Gavin Phillipson (10 Mar 2014)
Reforming Electoral Administration, Preparing for the 2015 Election - Jenny Watson (26 Mar 2014)
Fruitcakes, Loonies, Closet racists and Winners?: Europe, the European Elections and the Rise of Ukip - Joe Twyman (18 May 2014)
The Irish Constitutional Convention, 2012-14 - Prof David Farrell (31 May 2014)
What of Wales? Putting Wales at the heart of constitutional change in Britain - Leanne Wood AM (11 Jun 2014)

2012 - 13

The Politics of Coalition - Prof Robert Hazell and Dr Ben Yong (Oct 2012)
Redesigning Press Regulation: Lessons from OverseasÌý - Lara Fielden (13 Nov 2012)
The Role of the House of Lords in the Parliamentary Process - Baroness D'Souza (6 Dec 2013)
- Sir Leigh Lewis (24 Jan 2013)
- Prof Vernon Bogdanor (21 Feb 2013)
Expertise and Policy: the Rise of the Government 'Tsar' - Dr Ruth Levitt and Stephen Boys Smith (21 Mar 2013)

Constitutional Role of Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman - Dame Julie Mellor (17 Apr 2013)
Return to the West Lothian Question - Prof Charlie Jeffery and Sir Stephen Laws KCB (9 May 2013)

Civil Service Accountability - Guy Lodge and Sir Leigh Lewis (18 Jun 2013)


Changing the Rules of Succession and the Problem of the Realms - Prof Anne Twomey (27 Sept 2011)
House of Commons Reform: One Year Report - Sir George Young (30 Nov 2011)
Prospects for Lords Reform: a View from the Joint Committee - Baroness Symons and Lord Tyler (14 Dec 2011)
Parliamentary Boundaries Review - Prof Ron Johnston, Prof Charles Pattie and David Rossiter (11 Jan 2012)
Judicial Diversity - Prof Dame Hazel Genn (20 Feb 2012)
Referendum of Scottish Independence: the Law and the Politics - Robert Hazell and Alan Trench (12 Mar 2014)
Scrutinising Administrative Justice - Richard Thomas CBE (26 Apr 2012)
Elected Mayors - Lord Adonis and Jules Pipe (22 May 2012)
The Euro Crisis and its Implications for European Institutions - Charles Grant (13 Jun 2012)


Fixed Term Parliaments - Prof Robert Blackburn (18 Oct 2010)
Parliamentary Reform & the work of the Backbench Business Committee - Natascha Engel MP (17 Nov 2010)
The Liberal Democrats and the Coalition - Mark Pack (26 Jan 2011)
The New Cabinet Manual - Sir Gus O'Donnell (24 Feb 2011)
The Black Widow Effect? The Consequences of the Coalition for Clegg & Co. - Prof Tim Bale (11 Mar 2011)
The New Localism? - Prof Tony Travers (13 Apr 2011)
The Coalition and the Constitution - Prof Vernon Bogdanor (12 May 2011)
AV Referendum - Jenny Watson (15 Jun 2011)
Reforming Party Funding - Prof Justin Fisher (7 Jul 2011)


The Work of the House of Lords Appointments Commission Lord Jay of Ewelme, (22 Oct 2009
The Constitutional Debate about Scotland's Future - Michael Russell MSP (9 Nov 2009)
Reforming Parliament - Dr Tony Wright (25 Nov 2009)
- Sir Christopher Kelly (20 Jan 10)
Report Launch: The Conservative Agenda for Constitutional Reform - Robert Hazell (17 Feb 2010)
How to Ensure More Effective Transitions of Government - Peter Riddell (23 Mar 2010)
Pre-Appointment Scrutiny Hearings in the UK - Peter Waller and Mark Chalmers (14 Apr 2010)
New Politics and Old Politics in the House of Lords - Rt Hon Baroness
- Prof Ron Johnston (23 Jul 2010)


The Role of the Committee on Standards in Public Life - Sir Christopher Kelly (24 Feb 2009)
Regulating Surveillance - Prof Charles Raab & Dr Benjamin Goold Wednesday 29 April, 1pm
Church and State in 21st Britain: the Future of Church Establishment - Bob Morris & William Fittall (15 Jun 2009)
Opening speech: Bob Morris >

Response: William Fittall >

Building public confidence in our democracy: Putting voters first - Jenny Watson (30 Jun 2009)
Outgoing Information Commissioner's Valedictory Dispatch - Richard Thomas (7 Jul 2009)
Judicial Independence Events

These events are run as part of our AHRC-funded project on The Politics of Judicial Independence.

The Paradox of Judicial Independence: Greater separation requires closer engagement between government and Judiciary

Half day conference

22 June 2015

Read Conference notesÌý»

Why It Matters that Conservatives Should Support the European Convention on Human Rights

Dominic Grieve QC MP
3 December 2014

Read the transcript & watch the video »

Judicial evidence to parliamentary committees: good for Parliament, less good for judges?


Monday 10 November 2014 - 6pm to 7:30pm
House of Lords, Committee Room 3

See details »

How much has changed? And what might change in the years ahead?

1 October 2014

Constitutional Change: Unfinished Business

4 December 2013
Lord Judge (recently retired Lord Chief Justice)
The closing lecture for the 'Politics of Judicial Independence' project.

Read the transcript & watch the video »

Practitioner Seminar 8: Judicial Independence in the Tribunals System

18 April 2013

Read the seminar note »

Practitioner Seminar 7: Judicial Independence & the Executive

5 December 2012

Read the seminar note »

Practitioner Seminar 6: Judicial Independence in Northern Ireland

22 February 2012

Read the seminar note »

Practitioner Seminar 5: Judicial Independence & The Supreme Court

3 October 2012

Read the seminar note »

Practitioner Seminar 4: Judicial Independence & Judicial Appointments

22 February 2012

Read the seminar note »

The Human Rights Act

2 February 2012:ÌýThis seminar was co-organised with Middle Temple on 'Law, Politics and the Future of the Human Rights Act'.

Read the seminar note »

Practitioner Seminar 3: Judicial Independence & Parliament

7 December 2011

Read the seminar note »

Practitioner Seminar 2: Judicial Independence & the Media

21 September 2011

Read the seminar note »

Notes from the Canadian Supreme Court

7 July 2011

Justice Rosalie Abella of the Canadian Supreme Court delivered a lecture on 'Constitutions and Judges: Changing Rules, Roles and Expectations'.

Read Justice Abella's lecture »


Practitioner Seminar 1: Judicial Independence & the Separation of Powers

11 May 2011

Read the seminar note »

Judicial Independence & Accountability

8 February 2011
Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers (President of the UK Supreme Court) gave the launch lecture for the 'Politics of Judicial Independence' project.

Watch the video, read the report »

FOI Events


FOI Seminar Series 2010-2011. Including events with David Erdos, Chris Taggart and Jane Sigley.

Data Protection: Fit for Purpose
Dr David Erdos
Tuesday 28 September, 6.15pm
Venue: Council Room, The Constitution Unit

FOI & Local Government: Research from the Constitution Unit
Dr Ben Worthy & Gabrielle Bourke
Tuesday 26 October, 6.15pm
Venue: Council Room, The Constitution Unit

Download the presentation

Ministry of Justice Information Directorate Update
Belinda Lewis, Head of Information Policy, Ministry of Justice,
Tuesday 23 November, 6.30 pm
Venue: Council Room, The Constitution Unit

Download the presentation

Update from the Information Commissioner

Chris Graham
Tuesday 7 December, 6.15pm
Venue: Council Room, The Constitution Unit

Download the presentation

A view from FOI requesters

John O'Connell, Taxpayers' Alliance, Matt Davis, DataNews Ltd and Martin Rosenbaum, BBC
Tuesday 15 February 2011, 6.15pm
Venue: Council Room, The Constitution Unit

Beyond Expenses: the impact of FOI on Parliament
Ben Worthy and Gabrielle Bourke, Constitution Unit
Tuesday 29 March, 6.15pm
Venue: Council Room, The Constitution Unit

Download the presentation

Coalition Government plans for FOI
Jane Sigley, Head of Freedom of Information Strategy and Policy, Ministry of Justice
Tuesday 12 April, 6.15pm
Venue: Council Room, The Constitution Unit

Download the presentation

Open local government
Chris Taggart (Openly Local)
Monday 23 May, 6.30pm
Venue: Council Room, The Constitution Unit

FOI Seminar Series 2009-2010.

Including events with Chris Graham, Jeremy Hayes, Sir Joe Pilling

Where we've come from, where we're going

Jane Sigley (Head of FOI Policy and Strategy, Ministry of Justice)

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Download the presentation »

A Shock To The System: Journalism, Government and the Freedom of Information Act 2000

Jeremy Hayes, BBC
Tuesday 13 October 2009

Download the working paper »

Cases at the Information Tribunal

Professor John Angel, Chair, Information Tribunal
Tuesday 17 November 2009

Question & Answer

Information Commissioner Chris Graham

12 January 2010

The Future of FOI

Maurice Frankel (Campaign for Freedom of Information), Susan Healy (National Archives), Robert Hazell (Constitution Unit)

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Download the presentations »

FOI in the USA: Reflections on the Obama Administration's openness successes and failures so far

Dan Metcalfe (Executive Director of the Collaboration on Government Secrecy, Washington College of Law)

Thursday 18 March 2010


Does FOI work? The Impact of Freedom and Information on British Central Government

Robert Hazell and Ben Worthy (Constitution Unit)

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Download the presentation »

FOI and the media

Matthew Davis (journalist, media law lecturer and founder of DataNews Ltd)

Tuesday 18 May 2010

IPSA and MPs - a new expenses regime

Andrew McDonald (Interim Chief Executive, Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority)

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Download the presentation »

FOI Seminar Series 2008-2009.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: vexatious requests

Rudi Leoni (Principal Information Management Officer, Wandsworth Borough Council) & Steve Wood (Assistant Commissioner, Information Commissioner's Office)
Thursday 19 February 2009

Download the presentation »

Report of the 30 Year Rule Review

Sir Joe Pilling (former permanent secretary, Northern Ireland Office and 30 Year Rule Review)
Tuesday 24 March 2009

How is the UK FOI Act performing comparatively, and where will it go from here?

The Constitution Unit
Wednesday 22 April 2009

Download the presentation »

Public Information and Public Participation

Richard Allan (European Government Affairs Director, Cisco, and chair of Power of Information Taskforce)
Wednesday 20 May 2009

Download the presentation »


FOI Live 2010: Featuring Minister of State Lord Mcally

6 July 2010
FOI Live 2010 sought to reflect upon the experience of FOI after five years and look at what future directions the Act and the wider transparency agenda may take.
The event included a presentation from the new Minister with responsibility for FOI, Lord McNally. Lord McNally spoke of the new government's commitment to increased openness and, in parallel to this, its concern to protect the privacy of its citizens. Lord McNally announced a call for evidence for how the data protection is working ahead of EU negotiations (seeÌý)
Deputy Information Commissioner Graham SmithÌýreflected on the five years of the FOI. He examined some of the difficulties and landmark cases in the first years of the Act and ended by looking ahead to some of the future challenges for FOI, in particular the changing appetite for information and opportunities that technology presents.
Ben Worthy presented the Unit's findingsÌýfrom its two year study of FOI and Whitehall. He analysed how and why FOI has met some of its objectives and not others and spoke of some of the myths and paradoxes of FOI.
The question and answer session, with expert contributions from the MOJ, ICO and Campaign for Freedom of Information, covered a broad range of areas relating to the issues faced by FOI officers. Topics included records management, proactive disclosure and the publication of officials' salaries.
Lastly there was aÌýdiscussion of the future of FOIÌýand examined how far the Act had come. FOI has clearly increased openness. But there can be difficulties involved in bring about a change of culture within organisations. The day ended with a drinks reception where delegates networked and chatted with the speakers.
Other Events & Videos

These are a collection of other events and videos from the Constitution UnitÌý

Inaugural Lecture: Professor Meg Russell- Politics, Academia and the Real World (Mar 15)
(Feb 15)
(Feb 15)
(11th Sept 2014)
Meg Russell's UCL Lunch Hour Lecture on 'Does parliament matter?' (Oct 14)
Special Advisers: Who they are, what they do and why they matter (Sept 14)
(Nov 2013)
Dr Meg Russell on BOOKtalk (Oct 13)
(November 2011)
Meg Russell talks about her report on appointments to the House of Lords (Apr 11)
Robert Hazell & Ben Yong (June 2011)