
The Constitution Unit


Unit in the News - The Parliamentary Candidates UK project & the General Election (April 2015)

8 April 2015

PCUK landscape

The Parliamentary Candidates UK project, which is a resource for those interested in representation and the UK political class have in the run up to the elections been quoted in a number of news outlets. Also the team have appeared on Good Morning Britain and other news programmes. 

04 Jan 2015 Who are the 2015 parliamentary candidates? (Hudson)
11 Feb 2015 Labour's pink battle bus & women voters (Campbell)
11 Mar 2015 Women in politics (Campbell)
13 Mar 2015 Greens have fewer ethnic minority candidates than any party, even UKIP (Hudson)
16 Mar 2015 The 2015 election campaign (Campbell)
23 Mar 2015 GMB Poll: Parties haven't done enough to convince floating voters (Hudson)
23 Mar 2015 What's wrong with our MPs? (Hudson & Campbell)
24 Mar 2015 Cameron's decision to rule out 3rd term to affect UK general elections (Hudson)
25 Nov 2014 Can we stop the rise of the career politician? (PCUK)
26 Mar 2015 Women in Westminster: The gender gap (Campbell)
28 Jan 2015 All-women shortlists (Campbell)
28 Mar 2015 The politics of equality (Campbell & PCUK)
30 Mar 2015 Which party has the most career politicians standing for election - and how many have had a 'real job'? (PCUK)
31 Mar 2015 Revealed: Which party is doing the most to get women into politics? (PCUK)
02 Apr 2015 Will small parties help reform the political class? (Hudson & Campbell)
01 Apr 2015 Today's Prime Ministers are younger than ever (PCUK)
07 Apr 2015
What needs to happen to move one of the parties ahead in the elections & on undecided voters (Hudson)