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Doors The museum has one main door to the street, one door into the museum on the first floor, and one door from the pottery gallery for accessing the corridor where toilets are. These doors are heavy fire doors and cannot be propped open. These doors are heavy and pose a hazard should they be attempted to be open as they can trap hands and fingers, due to their weight they are likely to cause injury. Displays and Objects Works fixed to the wall on public display are either in cases or framed and glazed. We require that that pencils only are to be used and a clear instruction given to the children not to touch the works. No food or drink to be consumed in the museum, if packed lunches are brought they must not be opened in the museum. Accessibility Wheelchair access and accessible toilets are on the premises. We recommend children making use of accessible facilities to be accompanied by an adult. Emergencies There will be a member of museum staff present in the museum for the duration of the all pre-booked group visits. This staff member is responsible for the safety of the group while in his or her care and will in the event of an emergency ensure that the group is taken to a safe area outside the building. Trained first aiders are on-site or an emergency phone call away, also on site. Note: It is the responsibility of the school to carry personal medication such as epi-pens if there is a child/children in their class who has special medical requirements. In the event of a fire evacuation, please leave the room following the instructions of the member of staff in an orderly fashion and follow further instruction by uniformed UCL staff who will direct you to leave by the nearest exit and point you to a safe assembly point. DO NOT STOP TO COLLECT COATS OR BAGS. While outside the collection at the safe assembly point, staff will update you and then allow you back into the building once the all-clear has been given and security staff have returned to their posts. Specific Hazards None 123Z [ \ c    8 9 U y z  * 0 1 9 : ; A B n p v " # ɽ~hfhfp+>*h]>hh!& h;L^hh h;L^h!&h;L^hfp+>*h;L^h]>>* hfp+>*hfhfp+h]>h!5h]>hfp+5 h5$jh]>h8QUmHnHsH u h?5h;L^hfp+OJQJ h;L^hfp+123Z [ \ c 9 U z  : ; & Fdgd& & Fdgd & Fdgd&dgdfdgd&; B o p v # c u v bcq  & Fdgd& & Fgdi3dgd 9 & Fdgd & Fdgd&dgd& & Fdgd&dgdf P p r t u v acpq K\ab˽챽𬨬h 9 h 9>* h;L^h - h>* h;L^hfp+ h;L^hi3hi3 hi3hi3h h;L^h 9hfp+ h;L^h;L^h;L^ h;L^h!&h;L^hfp+>*'HG~JK\abdgd 9 & F dgd 9 & F dgd 9 & F dgd 9 6&P 1h:p0B. 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