
Open Educational Resources for the Digital Humanities


OER@UCL Launch Event

28 March 2011

Worldwide, significant effort is going into promoting the creation and use of open educational resources, or open courseware.


Date: Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Time: 16:00 - 17:30 hrs
Venue: Foster Court 114

In the UK, programmes such as have funded a wide range of projects. Institutions are developing repositories for both teaching and research material and releasing resources via and YouTubeEdu. 

This has attracted media attention - the recent  story about the "", for example. The quoted Canadian academic Brian Lamb:

" open educational resources (OERs) could help to reassert the academy's role as a 'leader and guardian of free and open enquiry' ... It is almost 'criminally irresponsible' to hoard academic knowledge in the digital age".

What is happening at UCL? This special Teaching and Learning Network session is to share information and raise awareness of Open Educational Resources (OERs) in UCL. The session will also see the formal launch of the web site, which serves as a central point for OER related information and activities around UCL.

Outline Programme

  • Introduction to Open Educational Resources
  • UCL OER projects - 10 minute show and tell for each project
  • Information and discussion of issues related to:

          o IPR and licensing;
          o Finding and using open educational resources, including demonstration of repositories;
          o The process of creating and releasing open resources.

Refreshments will be provided from 15:30 and everyone is welcome. 

If you intend to come to the session, please use our to let us know and help us plan seating and catering!