

UCL Department of Economics


Dr Suphanit Piyapromdee wins European Research Council grant to lead 5-year project

22 November 2022

Congratulations to Dr Suphanit Piyapromdee on being awarded a prestigious European Research Council Starting Grant.

Dr Suphanit Piyapromdee smiling at the camera

UCL Economics Associate Professor Dr Suphanit Piyapromdee has been awarded a prestigious Starting Grant from theEuropean Research Council(ERC),worth 1.5m.

ERC Starting Grantsrecognise talented early-career scientists with research leader potential and a track record of producing excellent research.

Dr Piyapromdee’s funded project,Skills mismatch: sources and consequences(MISMATCH), will seek to identify and understand the sources of widespread discrepancies between the abilities of, and skills requirements for, workers. MISMATCH will further seek to identify solutions to mitigate the adverse consequences of these discrepancies, most notably long-lasting wage penalties.

The grant will enable Dr Piyapromdeeto recruit and lead a team toadvance this exciting project, bringing together Labour, Macro and Experimental economists from across the globe.

Dr Piyapromdee said,“I’m delighted to have been successful in the bid for this prestigious grant. A better understanding of the discrepancies between workers’ abilities and skills requirements for jobs will help form solutions so that early interventions can reduce the unfavourable consequences of mismatches.”
Head of UCL Department of Economics, Professor Antonio Guarino said, “The ERC Starting Grant process is incredibly competitive and Suphanit’s achievement confirms that she is an internationally pioneering researcher set to become a global leader in her field. Congratulations, Suphanit!”

About Dr Suphanit Piyapromdee

Dr Piyapromdee’s research to date can be divided into two strands and this ERC project is essentially an integration of the two:

  1. Inequality and the functioning of labour markets;
  2. The effectiveness of poverty reduction policies in developing countries.

Dr Piyapromdee’s research is regularly quoted in the media, includingMicroeconomic Insights,Homeland Security News WireandTheIndian Express. Dr Piyapromdee has authored several peer-reviewed policy reports on a range of Labour Economic topics and presented talks on her research at both academic and non-academic institutions.

Dr Piyapromdee is also passionate about teaching and has been the recipient of the UCL Student Choice Award for Exceptional Feedback and UCL Education Award for Eliminating Awarding Gaps.