Deprecated downloads

Recommended downloads:

 ICECUP 3.1.1 upgrade

 ICECUP 3.1.1 and ICE-GB 2 Sample Corpus

 Sample Sound

 Getting Started

Deprecated downloads:

 Gamma update (Not Windows 64bit compatible)

 ICECUP IV β (Not currently Windows 64bit compatible)

 Getting Started with ICECUP IV

γ Gamma update
(recommended only for computers running Windows versions prior to XP)

ICECUP 3.1.0 is deprecated

A new 32bit Release Candidate of ICECUP 3.1.1 is now available. This is compatible with 32bit and 64bit Windows, from Windows XP to 10. It is currently provided without an install program but the installation procedure is straightforward.

The previous (16bit) official release of ICECUP 3.1 has now been 'deprecated', which also means that it will no longer be maintained. If you have an antique PC that runs 16bit Windows, this is your only option!

You can download the final 16bit version of ICECUP 3.1 by downloading and installing these files. This release includes a number of user interface enhancements over the version on the CD derived from the next generation tools research. (This is not compatible with ICE-GB Release 1.)

Date of release zip exe expanded
16 October 2009 521KB 589KB 1.4MB

How to install

The package contains two files - the ICECUP program and the button definition file in the 'icedata' subdirectory. To install, simply locate the existing versions and copy these files over.

ICECUP IV β patch

You can download the 16bit beta of ICECUP IV by downloading and installing these files. This beta release is the result of the next generation tools research. A full release of ICECUP IV is planned.

Date of release zip exe expanded
10 June 2008 605KB 673KB 1.7MB

Alternatively, go to the ICECUP IV download page to download an ICE-GB sample corpus package containing ICECUP IV.

How to install
Follow the instructions (above) to install the sample corpus. Then install ICECUP IV. You can set up a program short-cut or menu item yourself.

The package contains two files - the ICECUP4 program and the button definition file in the 'icedata' subdirectory. Install ICECUP IV in the same location as ICECUP 3.1. ICECUP IV is compatible with ICE-GB R2.

Beta release notes
Getting Started with ICECUP IV
New version 4.01
June 2008

Getting Started guide to ICECUP IV and companion to the ICECUP IV β. Includes notes about the current release (above).

This is a printable file which is also included in the integrated on-line help.

To read and print this file you will need a copy of the which you can download from the Adobe website.

Our beta programme continues for the Next Generations Tools Project. We invite linguists to contribute to the development of cutting-edge corpus linguistics tools by participating in this beta programme. Click here to register by email.

64bit note: The official release of ICECUP 3.1 is a 16bit program (as is its installer), and has run successfully on PCs running anything from Windows 3.1 to 7. It runs fine on 32bit Windows 7 on 64bit hardware.

A new 32bit Release Candidate of ICECUP 3.1.1 is now available as a γ patch. This should be compatible with 64bit Windows from Windows XP to 10, but is provided without an installer.

Sample Corpora also available for download:

  1. ICE-GB Release 1 and ICECUP 3.0 (superseded).
  2. DCPSE Release 1 and ICECUP 3.1.

To participate in the beta reviewing programme, please click here. You will be notified as new versions are posted on the website.

To send bug reports, comments etc, please click here.

This page last modified 14 May, 2020 by Survey Web Administrator.