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JQL 20:4. 012 38< See alsop(err) p(err) x f MThe upper bound of the error interval is combined with the lower bound of p1.JLThe error mean, p(err), is transferred to the observation according to the worst-case scenario (i.e. observed errors are indeed errors).Often, it is impractical to review every case to check whether it has been misclassified or not, but it is possible to review a sample of those cases.fWe employ the Wilson score interval to estimate the interval range for a given a for all observations.OP@See http://corplingstats.wordpress.com/2014/04/10/imperfect-dataIf misclassified cases in observation 1 should be in observation 2, then the same operation is applied to the upper bound of p2.}1 set this cell to zero if errors do not transfer scale factor- p1 > p2 so don't worry about other interval Assumes p1 > p2%NB. If p1 < p2, swap obs 1 and obs 2.INewcombe-Wilson test, with a modified subsample following manual review 2-tailed1-tailedlThis calculator applies the finite population correction to a manually-reviewed subsample of a corpus query.BWilson score interval with finite population correction adjustmentf.p.c.Since the subsample is a sample of a finite query, the confidence interval of the subsample may be reduced by a finite population correction. n' = n/nnn = (N-n)/(N-1)   adjusted n z/n'z/Nn = (N-n)/(N-1)  adjusted n l Before computing the interval we calculate n = (N-n)/(N-1) (where n is the sample size, N population size).+01258;CDYZFinite population correctionoWe then divide n by n to obtain a new, increased n' which is substituted into the Wilson formula in place of n.03mnJ  F dDt@cqbx ϰ0Yxr< "-0yzl34S00P"0g Dk4l0,0`KT0l3>n0tIr0@@hxhhxhS0t00^n00  00Ԣ0   70  tj0 HPercent0] Ν02B_T0 Q0_T0#)!T00!0ߐ|n|<bT0|(3`T0`T0@X|0ShS~0BT0xSSu0(1T0|0SZ0S0HZS\0ZHTd7> TL hcc  !&  dMbP?_*+%MbCutePDF WriterS 4dXXA4PRIV0''''P4(u^mSMTJCutePDF WriterResolution600dpiPageSizeLetterPageRegionLeadingEdgeInputSlotOnlyOne" dXX??U} }    ;T0   , , , ,         ;D l0      &>     B    E   @pp@! 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