

UCL Department of Geography


Crystal Ong, BSc Economics and Geography

Having been offered a place at UCL and LSE, Crystal said she opted for UCL because of the greater choice of modules available to study across both the Departments of Geography and Economics.

BSc Economics and Geography in the UCL Department of Geography, Crystal Ong

26 September 2022

“Looking back, I am extremely happy with my choice because I believe that my time at UCL has equipped me with substantial quantitative and qualitative skills and knowledge.

One of the highlights of the programme was the opportunity to apply my learning and knowledge across both Economic and Geography modules. For instance, for the GEOG3060: Economic Geography II module, I was able to make use of my knowledge of macroeconomics and statistics to analyse certain regression models presented in research papers on the topic of inequality. Also, the concept of inequality arising from international trade (due to reasons such as SBTC) was covered in the ECON3004: International Trade module. I think my greatest takeaways from the programme, skill-wise, are writing and research skills.

I hope to be able to pursue a Master’s degree after graduating from UCL. I have obtained offers from Columbia/ Duke/ LBS, and I will most probably be heading to Columbia for their Master's in Management Science and Engineering Programme.”