
UCL Department of Geography


Tooting Forgotten?

19 February 2019

Anpu’s documentary on gentrification in London

Tooting Forgotten?

In his final year as a Geography student in UCL Geography, Anparasan Sivakumaran’s (Anpu’s) dissertation had focused on Urban Political Ecology in south London.

But he didn't want the excitement of investigation to stop there and decided to start filming for a documentary, which he called, 'Tooting's Forgotten'. It explores gentrification and development in Tooting and surrounding London areas.

Anpu worked on the film for 6 months, interviewing residents, business owners in and around Tooting Market, the local MP, Siobhain McDonagh, and visiting tourists.

The film was launched in UCL Geography on 22nd of February, and is published on Anpu’s YouTube channel. It is 30 minutes long, focusing on the changes taking place in typical neighbourhoods of London.

Anpu says:

“‘Produced with a zero production budget, the film has proved challenging, but I have learnt so much along the way and met some amazing people on the streets of Tooting!’.
