

UCL Global


Global funding streams now open for UCL academics

15 March 2019

A range of global funding opportunities are now open to support collaborations with colleagues overseas

UCL research in Mexico

The Global Engagement Office (GEO) has today launched the 2019/20 Global Engagement Funds, the Cities partnerships Programme Funds for Rome and Paris and a range of Strategic Partner Funds, all of which are designed to support UCL academics working with colleagues based in other countries.

Since 2015, £760,000 in global engagement funding has generated more than £13.4 million in external funding, supporting 550 academics to engage with 460 organisations in 79 countries.

Global funding for all Faculties

Led by FacultyVice Deans (International)ԻPro-Vice-Provosts (Regional),ٳ Global Engagement Funds provide between £500 and £2,000 to UCL academics (£4,000 for applicants in the Social & Historical Sciences or Arts & Humanities faculties). The funding is available for use between August 2019 and 31 July 2020.

Last year, the funds supported 122 projects led by academics from across UCL, involving partners in countries including Brazil, New Zealand, Thailand, Bangladesh, China and Italy.

Dr Jeremy Skipper, Senior Lecturer in Experimental Psychology, is among previous Global Engagement Funds recipients. He said: “I cannot speak the praises of this funding source enough. Having official funds to travel back and forth to University of CaliforniaSan Diego made a collaboration flourish that would otherwise have stayed in the talks phase.”

Paris and Rome

The Cities partnerships Programme provides seed funding to support interdisciplinary academic work with partners in global cities. Following an initial funding call for Rome, the next round of funding for both Paris and Rome is now open.

UCL academics can apply for up to £5,000 per projectfor activityinvolving a partner based in either city. The funding is available for projects undertaken between 1 August 2019 and 31 July 2020.

The initial focus on Europe is an expression of լƵ commitment to our European partners: those who share our values and a clear emphasis on world-leading academic excellence.

Tohoku, Toronto and Peking

A range of Strategic Partner Funds are now open to UCL academics working with colleagues based at լƵ partner institutions Peking University, Tohoku University and the University of Toronto.

Up to £10,000 per project is available through the strategic funding schemes. While open to all fields, projects in the areas of data science, disaster science, equality and diversity, higher education, material science and neuroscience will be prioritised for the Tohoku partner funds.

The University of Toronto funds are open to academics in UCL Faculties that are underrepresented in the partnership: UCL Faculty of Life Sciences, UCL Faculty of Arts & Humanities and UCL Faculty of Laws.

Application deadlines vary, but most close on 17 May 2019