
Humanitarian Institute



The Humanitarian Institute aims to develop an education programme both for members of UCL and for our partners. This includes:

  • Establishing teaching on integrated responses to humanitarian issues in the global citizenship and summer schools initiatives
  • Outreach to local schools and communities  
  • Continuing executive development courses for global leaders and policy makers
  • Global Humanitarian Studies BSc

Global Humanitarian Studies BSc

In 2020, we welcomed our first cohort of undergraduate students onto the new Global Humanitarian Studies BSc programme, which was developed with industry partners to help professionalise the sector. This exciting multidisciplinary programme aims to educate and train future generations of humanitarian leaders in the theory and practice of humanitarian action.

In the degree programme, students learn about the political, historical and development context, but also gain an understanding of the emergence, impacts and response to humanitarian crises. The critical and analytical research skills they acquire, grounded in practice, will equip them to anticipate evolving humanitarian threats and manage widening vulnerability and crisis response.

Find out more about the Global Humanitarian Studies BSc.


In October 2017, the UCL Humanitarian Institute launched a Masterclass Series, with the first Masterclass on running a schools programme on natural resources and natural disasters in developing countries. This first masterclass was delivered in conjunction with Institute of Energy Research and Training, University of Jammu; Geology for Global Development, UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction and UCL Global Engagement, and was comprised of talks and interactive workshop sessions. See below the talks delivered as part of this masterclass:

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Talk 1: Introduction and Overview of the Children's Education Programme, Dr Mateen Hafiz, University of Jammu

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Talk 2: Children's Education Programme - The Idea Behind Connecting Schools, Waqar Ahmed, University of Jammu

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Talk 3: Children's Education Programme - Planning and Logistics - The First Steps, Professor GM Bhat, University of Jammu

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Talk 4: Constructing and Defining Curricula for Children's Education Programme, Dr Naveen Hakhoo, University of Jammu

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Talk 5: The Role of Network Building and Promotion in the Development of a School's Programme, Dr Rosalie Tostevin, GfGD and University of Oxford

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Talk 6: Risk Assessment, Student Welfare, Ethics and Information Management, Professor Peter Sammonds, UCL Humanitarian Institute and IRDR