

Institute of Communications and Connected Systems


Dr Lidia Galdino

Profile picture of Lidia Galdino

Lecturer, Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow

T:+44 (0)20 7679 7308

Research group

Capacity-approaching, Ultra-Wideband Nonlinear Optical Fibre Transmission System | Broadband transmission systems | Optical communication


Dr Lidia Galdino received M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electronic and electrical engineering from the University of Campinas, Brazil, in 2008 and 2013, respectively.

Dr Galdino commenced a lectureship and a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship in September 2018 on the topic of "Capacity-approaching, Ultra-Wideband Nonlinear optical Fibre Transmission System", and a co-investigated in the EPSRC TRANSNET programme grant. She previously worked as a Senior Research Associate on the EPSRC UNLOC programme grant.

She is Associate Editor of Optical Fiber Technology and part of the Technical Programme Committee for IEEE Photonic Conference (IPC) and Associated Vice President of IEEE’s Women in Photonic

Dr Galdino was a co-recipient of the RAEng Colin Campbell Mitchell Award in 2015 for pioneering contributions to optical communications technology and named as one of the 2017 “Top 50 Women in Engineering under 35” by The Telegraph and Women in Engineering Society which features the U.K.’s top rising female stars of engineering.

Awards and Fundings

  • Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowship (2018-2023)
  • Top 50 Women in Engineers under 35, which “features the UK’s top rising female stars of engineering” (2017)
  • Co-recipient of Royal Academy of Engineering Colin Campbell Mitchell Award for “our pioneering contributions to optical communications technology” (2015)
  • Brazilian Science without Borders Fellowship to join the Optical Networks Group (ONG) at University College London (2013)
  • Ph.D. studentship funded by National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)

Dr Galdino's Orcid ID for publication data isID: 36192836100


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