
Institute of Communications and Connected Systems


Frequency-modulated Chirp Signals for Single-photodiode Based Coherent LiDAR System

IEEE | Yi W, Li Z, Zhou Z, Sillekens E, Gerard T et al.| In this paper, we investigate two categories of linear frequency-modulated chirp signals suitable for single-photodiode based coherent light...

18 May 2021

Frequency-modulated Chirp Signals for Single-photodiode Based Coherent LiDAR System



In this paper, we investigate two categories of linear frequency-modulated chirp signals suitable for single-photodiode based coherent light detection and ranging (LiDAR) systems, namely, the frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) single-sideband (SSB) signal and the amplitude-modulated double-sideband (DSB) signal, and compare their achievable receiver sensitivity performance. The DSB signal requires a simpler transmitter design, as it is real-valued and can be generated using a single-drive Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM), while the SSB signal, which is frequency/phase modulated, requires an in-phase and quadrature modulator (IQM)-based transmitter.

A theoretical analysis of direct-detection (DD) beating interference (BI) especially the local oscillator (LO) beating with itself, known as LO-LO BI, is presented. Both Monte Carlo simulations and experimental demonstrations are carried out. Good agreement between simulations and experiments is achieved. In comparison with the SSB system, the DSB signal-based system is affected by laser phase noise-induced power fluctuation, and also suffers a significant sensitivity penalty due to nonlinear LO-LO BI.

A spectral guard band for mitigating LO-LO BI is necessary for the DSB signal, achieved at the expense of requiring a larger electrical bandwidth. In system tests with a delay line of 385 m, the SSB signal outperforms the DSB signal with a 10 dB better receiver sensitivity in the case with a guard band, and 25 dB better sensitivity without a guard band.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Publication Sub Type:Article
Authors:Yi W, Li Z, Zhou Z, Sillekens E, Gerard T, Deakin C, Ferreira FM, Galdino L, Liu Z, Bayvel P, Killey RI
Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Publication date:18/05/2021
Journal:Journal of Lightwave Technology
Print ISSN:0733-8724
Full Text URL:

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