
Integrated Screening Outcomes Surveillance Service


NHS Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy Screening (IDPS) Clinical Expert Review Panels

IDPS Clinical Expert Review Panels

The ISOSS team investigate all new vertical transmissions of HIV and syphilis occurring in England.Ìý ISOSS interview all clinicians involved in the care of the mother and baby during and after pregnancy.Ìý Interviews are conducted across specialities including paediatrics, maternity and specialist care.

Detailed anonymised case reports are taken to the IDPS Clinical Expert Review Panels (CERP).Ìý The panels consist of relevant clinical specialists including maternity, laboratory, paediatrics, sexual health services as wellÌýas representatives from BASHH and BHIVA.

The purpose of the panels is to:

  • establish the circumstances surrounding the transmission
  • identify and contributing factors and learning points
  • feed recommendations into the IDPS/ISOSS teamÌý


HIV Clinical Expert Review Panel

Rebecca Till: Antenatal Pathway Implementation Lead, NHSEÌý(2023-date)

Laura Smeaton:ÌýIDPSÌýProgramme Project Manager, NHSÌýIDPSÌýprogramme (2019-date)

Sarah Dermont: Antenatal Pathway Pathology Feasibility Manager, NHSEÌý(2021-date)

Professor Claire Thorne (Chair): Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Population, Policy and Practice Department,ÌýUCL, Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health (2019-date)

Helen Peters:ÌýISOSSÌýManager,ÌýUCL GOSÌýInstitute of Child Health (2019-date)

Kate Francis:ÌýISOSSÌýCoordinator, UCL GOSÌýInstitute of Child Health (2019-date)

Dr Alasdair Bamford: Consultant and Speciality Lead in Paediatric Infectious Diseases,ÌýGOSH (2021-date)

Lisa Bullows: Specialist Screening Midwife, Birmingham Women’s Hospital (2021-date)

Dr Laura Byrne: Consultant inÌýHIVÌýMedicine, St George’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (2019-date)

Maria Dowie: Clinical Nurse Specialist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (2019-date)

Temi Fayoyin:ÌýANNBÌýScreening and Immunisation Coordinator, Croydon (2019-date)

Dr Yvonne Gilleece: Honorary Clinical Reader and Consultant inÌýHIVÌýand Sexual Health, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust; Chair ofÌýBHIVAÌýHIVÌýin Pregnancy Guidelines (2019-date)

Dr Abha Govind: Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust (2019-date)

Julia Langley: Antenatal and Newborn Screening Specialist Midwife, Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (2019-date)

Dr Hermione Lyall: Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Disease, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (2021-date)

Dr Kim McLeod: Consultant Obstetrician, Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (2021-date)

Dr Paddy McMaster: Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases, North Manchester General Hospital Women and Children’s, Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (2019-date)

Dr Luciana Rubinstein: Consultant inÌýGUM, London North West University Healthcare Trust (Northwick Park, Ealing, Hillingdon) (2019-date)

Dr Chris Wood: ConsultantÌýHIVÌýphysician; Clinic Lead forÌýHIVÌýServices, North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust (2019-date)

Nadia Permalloo: Quality and Improvement Lead, NHSE (2021-date)

Jennifer Tosswill: Clinical Scientist, UKHSAÌýColindale Laboratory (2019-date)

Past Members

Jenny Neal: IDPS Programme Manager, NHSÌýIDPSÌýprogramme (2021-2023)

Judith Timms: IDPS PCA for Laboratories (2021-2023)

Sharon Webb: Programme Manager, NHSÌýIDPSÌýprogramme (2019-2020)

Pat Tookey: Honarary Senior Lecturer, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health (2019-2020)

Mayuri Panchal: Specialist Midwife,ÌýThe Royal Free Hospital, London (2019-2020)

Congenital Syphilis Clinical Expert Review Panel

Rebecca Till: Antenatal Pathway Implementation Lead, NHSEÌý(2023-date)

Laura Smeaton:ÌýIDPS ProgrammeÌýProject Manager, NHSÌýIDPSÌýprogramme (2020-date)

Sarah Dermont: Antenatal Pathway Pathology Feasibility Manager, NHSEÌý(2021-date)

Professor Claire Thorne: Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Population, Policy and Practice Department, University College London (UCL) Great Ormond Street (GOS) Institute of Child Health (2020-date)

Helen Peters:ÌýISOSSÌýManager,ÌýUCLÌýGOSÌýInstitute of Child Health (2020-date)

Kate Francis:ÌýISOSSÌýCoordinator,ÌýUCLÌýGOSÌýInstitute of Child Health (2020-date)

Dr Shalini Andrews: GUM Consultant, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (2020-date)

Dr Rachel Bower: Consultant Community Paediatrician and Medical Advisor to the Adoption and Permanence Panel (2021-date)

Dr Dyan Dickins: Obstetrician, Liverpool Women’s (2021-date)

Dr Sara Eisen: Consultant Paediatrician, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (2020-date)

Anette Elbech: Infectious Diseases Specialist Midwife, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (2020-date)

Dr Helen Fifer:ÌýIDPSÌýLaboratory Advisor andÌýNISÌýMicrobiologist, UKHSAÌý(2020-date)

Dr Shazia Hoodbhoy: Consultant Neonatologist at The Rosie Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (2020-date)

Dr Chrissie Jones: Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases, University of Southampton and Southampton Children’s Hospital (2020-date)

Professor Margaret Kingston: Consultant Physician in genitourinary medicine, Associate Medical Director, Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (2020-date)

Dr Hermione Lyall: Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Disease, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (2022-date)

Dr Paddy McMaster: Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases, North Manchester General Hospital Women and Children’s, Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (2020-date)

Alison Perry: Specialist Screening Midwife, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (2020-date)

Dr Cara Saxon: GUM ConsultantÌý(2023-date)

Nadia Permalloo: Quality and Improvement Lead, NHSE (2021-date)

Professor Marta Cohen (OBE, MD, FRCPath, DMJ (Pathol), Dip Med Ed): Consultant Paediatric Pathologist, Sheffield Children's NHS FT (2023-date)

Delma Llewelyn: Senior BMS CWPS, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (2023-date)

Dr Soonita Oomeer: Integrated Sexual Health Consultant, Central and North London NHS Foundation TrustÌý

Past Members

Jenny Neal: IDPS Programme Manager, NHSÌýIDPSÌýprogramme (2021-2023)

Judith Timms: IDPS PCA for Laboratories (2021-2023)

Pat Schan: Programme Clinical Advisor, IDPS, PHE (2020-2021)

Ailsa Pickering: Clinical Nurse Specialist, Great North Children’s Hospital, The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (2020-2021)

Sharon Webb: Programme Manager, NHSÌýIDPSÌýprogramme (2020)


ISOSS Latest Reports








