
Integrated Screening Outcomes Surveillance Service


Published Papers Archive

Papers are listed in descending order according to the year of publication. For enquiries about publications prior to the year 2001, pleaseÌýcontact us.


Ìý(2018)ÌýV Rasi, M Cortina-Borja, H Peters, R Sconza, and C Thorne.ÌýJAIDS.

Ìý(2018). H Peters, C Thorne, PA Tookey and L Byrne.ÌýHIV Medicine.

Ìý(2018). G Favarato, C Townsend, H Bailey, H Peters, P Tookey, G Taylor and C Thorne.ÌýAIDS.

Ìý(2017). L Byrne, R Sconza, C Foster, P Tookey, M Cortina-Borja and C Thorne.ÌýAIDS.

Ìý(2017). S Raffe, H Curtis, P Tookey, H Peters, A Freedman, Y Gilleece and on behalf of the British HIV Association Audit and Standards Sub-Committee.ÌýBMC Infect Dis.

Ìý(2017). H Peters, K Francis, K Harding, P Tookey and C Thorne.ÌýEJOG.

Ìý(2017). H Peters, K Francis, R Sconza, A Horn, C Peckham, P Tookey and C Thorne.ÌýCID.


(2016) CL Townsend, K Francis, CS Peckham, PA Tookey. BJOG

. (2016). S Tariq, J Elford, C Chau, C French, M Cortina-Borja, A Brown, V Delpech and PÌýTookey. Sex Transm Dis.

. (2016). CL Townsend, A de Ruiter, H Peters, C Nelson-Piercy, P Tookey and C Thorne. HIV Medicine.

(2016). CE French, C Thorne, L Byrne, M Cortina-Borja and PA Tookey. HIV Medicine.

. (2016). Thorne C and Tookey P. Front. Immunol.

. (2016). Pat A. Tookey, Claire Thorne, Jean van Wyk and Michael Norton. BMC Infect Dis.

. (2015). Huntington S, Thorne C, Newell ML, Anderson J, Taylor GP, Pillay D, Hill T, Tookey PA, Sabin C, UK CHIC Study and NSHPC. AIDS.

(2016). H Peters, L Byrne, A De Ruiter, K Francis, K Harding, GP Taylor, PA Tookey, and CL Townsend. BJOG.

(2015). Huntington S, Thorne C, Newell ML, Anderson J, Taylor GP, Pillay D, Hill T, Tookey PA, Sabin C, UK CHIC Study and NSHPC. AIDS.


(2014). S Huntington, C Thorne, J Anderson, ML Newell, GP Taylor, D Pillay, T Hill, P Tookey, C Sabin, UK CHIC Study and NSHPC. BMC Infect Dis.

? (2014). CE French, C Thorne, S Tariq, M Cortina-Borja and PA Tookey. AIDS.

. (2014). CL Townsend, L Byrne, M Cortina-Borja, C Thorne, A de Ruiter, H Lyall, GP Taylor, CS Peckham and PA Tookey. AIDS.Ìý

. (2013). E Chiappini, L Galli, C Giaquinto, L Ene, T Goetghebuer, A Judd, C Lisi, R Malyuta, A Noguera-Julian, JT Ramos, P Rojo-Conejo, C Rudin, P Tookey, M de Martino, C Thorne and European Pregnancy Paediat HIV Coh. AIDS.

. (2013). K. Donegan, K. Doerholt, A. Judd, H. Lyall, E. Menson, K. Butler, P. Tookey, A. Riordan, D. Shingadia, G. Tudor-Williams, D.M. Gibb, A.S. Walker. Pediatr infect dis j.

. (2013). CE French, PA Tookey, M Cortina-Borja, A de Ruiter, CL Townsend and C Thorne. Antivir ther.

. (2013). SE Huntington, C Thorne, LK Bansi, J Anderson, ML Newell, GP Taylor, D Pillay, T Hill, PA Tookey and CA Sabin. AIDS.

. (2012). KL Donegan, AS Walker, D Dunn, A Judd, D Pillay, E Menson, H Lyall, G Tudor-Williams and DM Gibb. Antivir ther.

. (2012). CE French, M Cortina-Borja, C Thorne, PA Tookey. J acquir immune defic syndr.

(2012). SE Huntington, LK Bansi, C Thorne, J Anderson, ML Newell, GP Taylor, D Pillay, T Hill, PA Tookey and CA Sabin. BMC med res methodol.

. (2012). J. Kenny, B Williams, K Prime, P Tookey and C Foster. HIV med.

. (2012). S Tariq, J Elford, M Cortina-Borja and PA Tookey. AIDS care.

. (2012). S Tariq, A Pillen, PA Tookey, AE Brown and J Elford. BMC public health.

. (2011). H Castro, A Judd, DM Gibb, K Butler, RK Lodwick, A van Sighem, JT Ramos, J Warsawski, C Thorne, A Noguera-Julian, N Obel, D Costagliola, PA Tookey, C Colin, J Kjaer, J Grarup, G Chene and A Phillips. Lancet.

. (2011). H Haile-Selassie, C Townsend and P Tookey. HIV med.

. (2011). SE Huntington, LK Bansi, C Thorne, J Anderson, ML Newell, GP Taylor, D Pillay, T Hill, PA Tookey and CA Sabin. AIDS.

. (2011). A Judd, M Penazzato, C Townsend, T Duong, H Castro, T Goetghebuer, J Warszawski, L Galli, E Chiappini, M de Martino, L Ene, C Giaquinto, C Konigs, J LeChenadec, H Lyall, AN Julian, JT Ramos, P Rojo-Conejo, C Rudin, C Thorne, P Tookey, G Tudor-Williams, DM Gibb and EPPICC. AIDS.

. (2011). S Tariq, CL Townsend, M Cortina-Borja, T Duong, J Elford, C Thorne and PA Tookey. Journal acquir immune defic syndr.


. (2010). CL Townsend, PA Tookey, ML Newell and M Cortina-Borja. Antivir ther.

. (2010). C Townsend, J Schulte, C Thorne, KI Dominguez, PA Tookey, M Cortina-Borja, CS Peckham, B Bohannon and ML Newell. BJOG.

. (2009). CL Townsend, BA Willey, M Cortina-Borja, CS Peckham and PA Tookey. AIDS.

.(2009). A Riordan, A Judd, K Boyd, D Cliff, K Doerholt, H Lyall, E Menson, K Butler and D Gibb. Pediatr infect dis j.

. (2009). A Judd, R A Ferrand, E Jungmann, C Foster, J Masters, B Rice, H Lyall, PA Tookey and K Prime. HIV med.

. (2009). C Hankin, H Lyall, B Willey, C Peckham, J Masters and P Tookey. AIDS care.

. (2009). C Foster, A Judd, P Tookey, G Tudor-Williams, D Dunn, D Shingadia, K Butler, M Sharland, D Gibb and H Lyall. AIDS patient care STDs.

. (2008). CL Townsend, M Cortina-Borja, CS Peckham, and PA Tookey. BJOG.

. (2008). CL Townsend, M Cortina-Borja, CS Peckham, A de Ruiter, H Lyall and PA Tookey. AIDS.

. (2008). CA Sabin, CJ Smith, A d'Arminio Monforte, M Battegay, C Gabiano, L Galli, S Geelen, D Gibb, M Guiguet, A Judd, C Leport, F Dabis, N Pantazis, K Porter, F Raffi, C Thorne, C Torti, S Walker, J Warszawski, U Wintergerst, G Chene and J Lundgren. AIDS.

. (2008). A Kekitiinwa, KJ Lee, AS Walker, A Maganda, K Doerholt, SB Kitaka, A Asiimwe, A Judd, P Musoke and DM Gibb. J acquir immune defic syndr.

. (2008). A de Ruiter, D Mercey, J Anderson, R Chakraborty, P Clayden, G Foster, C Gilling-Smith, D Hawkins, N Low-Beer, H Lyall, S O'Shea, Z Penn, J Short, R Smith, S Sonecha, P Tookey, C Wood and G Taylor. HIV med.

. (2008). R Chakraborty, CJ Smith, D Dunn, H Green, T Duong, K Doerholt, A Riordon, H Lyall, P Tookey, K Butler, CA Sabin, D Gibb and D Pillay. Pediatr infect dis j.


. (2007). CL Townsend, M Cortina-Borja, CS Peckham and PA Tookey. AIDS.

. (2007). CL Townsend, M Cortina-Borja, CS Peckham and PA Tookey. AIDS.

. (2007). C Thorne, CL Townsend, CS Peckham, ML Newell and PA Tookey. AIDS.

Testing Times. HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in the UK, 2007,(2007). The UK Collaborative Group for HIV and STI Surveillance, in: Health Protection Agency Centre for Infections, (Ed.), London.

. (2007). A Judd, K Doerholt, PA Tookey, M Sharland, A Riordan, E Menson, V Novelli, EG Lyall, J Masters, G Tudor-Williams, T Duong, DM Gibb, Clin Infect Dis.

. (2007). CD Hankin, ML Newell and P Tookey. AIDS care.

. (2007). C Hankin, H Lyall, C Peckham and P Tookey. AIDS.

. (2007). M Cortina-Borja, D Williams, WD Cubitt, PA Tookey, ML Newell and CS Peckham. Int J STD AIDS.

. (2006). CL Townsend, PA Tookey, M Cortina-Borja and CS Peckham. Journal acquir defic syndr.

. (2006). CL Townsend, S Cliffe and PA Tookey. J public health (Oxf).

,(2006). The UK Collaborative Group for HIV and STI Surveillance, in: Health Protection Agency Centre for Infections, (Ed.), London.

Mapping the issues. HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in the United Kingdom: 2005,(2006). The UK Collaborative Group for HIV and STI Surveillance, in: Health Protection Agency Centre for Infections, (Ed.), London.

. (2006). HIV Paediatric Prognostic Markers Collaborative Study. AIDS.

. (2006). EN Menson, AS Walker, M Sharland, C Wells, G Tudor-Williams, FA Riordan, EG Lyall and DM Gibb. BMJ.

. (2006). K Doerholt, T Duong, P Tookey, K Butler, H Lyall, M Sharland, V Novelli, A Riordan, D Dunn, AS Walker and DM Gibb. Pediatr infect dis j.

? (2006). AE Brown, SE Tomkins, LE Logan, DS Lamontagne, HL Munro, VD Hope, A Righarts, JE Blackham, BD Rice, TR Chadborn, PA Tookey, JV Parry, V Delpech, ON Gill and KA Fenton. Sex transm infect.


. (2005). HIV Paediatric Prognostic Markers Collaborative Study. Lancet.

. (2004). AS Walker, K Doerholt, M Sharland and DM Gibb. AIDS.

Focus on prevention. HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in the United Kingdom in 2003. (2004). The UK Collaborative Group for HIV and STI Surveillance, in: Health Protection Agency Centre for Infections, (Ed.), London.

Reducing mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 infection: the role of antiretroviral therapy and caesarean section delivery. (2004). C. Peckham, P. Tookey, M. L. Newell, The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Yearbook, RCOG Press, London, pp. 401-413.

. (2004). AE Brown, KE Sadler, SE Tomkins, CA McGarrigle, DS LaMontagne, D Goldberg, PA Tookey, B Smyth, D Thomas, G Murphy, JV Parry, BG Evans, ON Gill, F Ncube, KA Fenton. Sex Transm Infect.

. (2004). M Cortina-Borja, S Cliffe, P Tookey, D Williams, WD Cubitt and C Peckham. AIDS.

. (2003). DM Gibb, T Duong, PA Tookey, M Sharland, G Tudor-Williams, V Novelli, K Butler, A Riordan, L Farrelly, J Masters, CS Peckham, DT Dunn. BMJ.

. (2003). D Dunn, Lancet 362 1605-1611.

Renewing the focus. HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in the United Kingdom in 2002,(2003). Health Protection Agency, SCIEH, ISD, National Public Health Service for Wales, CDSC Northern Ireland, UASSG, in: Health Protection Agency, (Ed.), London.

(2001). S Cliffe, PA Tookey and A Nicoll. BMJ.