

UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology


UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology celebrates achievements at Annual Address

3 November 2023

A review of the year by Professor Michael Hanna, Director of UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, followed by the Annual Address by Sir Patrick Vallance on “Why governments need science” with a vote of thanks by Dr Michael Spence AC, UCL President and Provost

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Review of the year

Professor Hanna thanked the ION leadership and Professional Services team for their contributions over the past year,and acknowledged support from the Faculty and Divisions, and all ourexternalpartnerships and supporters.

He paid specific thanks to staff who had left ION in 2023, including David Blundred and Caroline Selai,and welcomed new staff includingProfessor Fiona Ducotterd as the new Chief Scientific Officer of the ARUK Drug Discovery Institute,and the appointment of Professor Siddharthan Chandran as the new UK DRI director, based at the UK DRI HQ at UCL.

Professor Hanna highlighted thesignificant progress made over the past year. The IONpublished over 1900 peer-reviewed articles, and had its most successful year in terms of grant income, securingover £50m in new grants and currently holding over £350m in active grant funding. He emphasised theteams'global influence, presenting findings at major international conferences and collaborating locally, nationally, and internationally.

Heshowcased wide-ranging examples of ION's research impact and initiativesincluding the use of AI in improving safety in neurosurgery,trials in Huntington's Disease, ALS disease mechanisms, functional anatomy of the visual cortex, tissue hypoxia and biomarkers in MS, the new MND Research Institute and the EJS ACT-PD platform.

Professor Hanna highlighted our Translation andEnterprise activities, including the work of LWENC and thefirst gene-silencing drugin Alzheimer’s disease, leadership in translational genomics, including the establishment ofa new Genetic Therapies Accelerator Group, led by Professor Francesco Muntoni, and UCL Spinout AstronauTx with Alzheimer's Research UK UCL Drug Discovery Institute (UCL DDI). He also highlighted the new Neuroscience, Cancer and Hearing Advanced Therapy Research Pharmacy due to launch in 2024.He also gave an update on the £281m translational neuroscience facility on Grays Inn Road which will open in the 24/25 academic year, including the Topping Out ceremony.

These achievements were complemented by many individual ION researchers' awards and appointments, including the MRC Millennium medal, new Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and AES awards, alongside 100% success in 2023senior and early career promotions.

Professor Hanna also highlightedION-wide EDI initiatives,as well as Educational achievements, includingthe new iBSc and Human Neuroscience BSc,andION's sustainability initiatives, including the Hot Brain Conference.

All these achievements are covered in the ION Annual Reviewwhich was launched at the event.

annual review 2022-23 front cover

He concluded by looking back at the innovation and impact of the ION in the 46 years since Queen Square House was opened, including thrombolysis treatment, diagnostic neurogenetics, amyloid hypothesis, pioneering MRI and DBS and epilepsy surgery. He highlighted the success factors which will be realised in the future at the translational neuroscience facility on Gray’s Inn Road.

Professor Hanna ended by congratulatingQueen SquareEssay Prizeaward winnersDr Oliver Ziff and Dr Angelo Dawson, beforeintroducingSir Patrick Vallance's Annual Address.

mike hanna and oliver ziff
Dr Oliver Ziff receiving theQueen SquareEssay Prizeaward from Professor Michael Hanna

Annual Address

We were delighted to welcome as the guest speakerSir Patrick Vallance, Chairman of the Natural History Museum, formerly Government Chief Scientific Adviser.“Why governments need science”.

sir patrick vallance

patrick vallance lecture

Sir Patrick Vallance (a UCL Alumni) gave athoughtful and wide ranging commentary, starting withemphasising how science underpins all aspects of government policy, from food to town planning, before assessing the strengths and weaknesses of science in academia, government and industry in the UK. He showed how each plays a pivotal role in times of emergency, exemplified by the COVID pandemic and the climate crisis.

Sir Patrick ended with examples from his current role at the Natural History Museum, and the future work of the Advanced Research and InventionAgency.He closed by emphasising the importance of diversity in recruitment and teams in delivering science

Vote of Thanks

Closing remarks were given byProfessor Michael Hanna, following the vote of thanks by Dr Michael Spence AC, UCL President & Provost. Dr Spence highlighted the need for effective scientific communicators and synthetic intelligence, as exemplified in the Annual Address.

annual address group 2023

Image (left to right):Dr Michael Spence AC,Sir Patrick Vallance,Professor Michael Hanna.


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