

Information Services Division


Windows Live ID Services and Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 identity - Organisation Account

live @ լƵ is hosted on the Office 365 platform. You authenticate using your UCL user ID appended with the domain of @live.ucl.ac.uk. By default your name, department and work telephone number are populated to the live @ UCL address book.

live @ UCL uses an Organisational Account for authentication. All identity information  flows securely from լƵ into a Microsoft Azure active directory specifically used to access Microsoft 365 services.

Prior to summer 2013 - Microsoft Account

live @ UCL was hosted on the live @ EDU platform all users had a Microsoft account. The Microsoft account is the new name for what used to be called “Windows Live ID”. The Microsoft account is the combination of an email address and a password that a user uses to sign in to all consumer-oriented Microsoft products and cloud services such as Outlook (Hotmail), Messenger, OneDrive, MSN, Windows Phone or Xbox LIVE.

UCL do not have any control over your Microsoft account any longer, the account and its use is between yourself and Microsoft. All new users to live @ UCL are no longer issued Microsoft Accounts.

More information on your Microsoft account including how to close it is available in the links below: