

Joint Research Office


Insurance and UCL Sponsored Studies

What is covered?

There are 2 insurance policies (with corresponding policy notes) associated with UCL sponsored clinical research:

Policy (and Insurance Company provider)

Cover included

Clinical Trials Policy (Newline)

Legal liability for Human Clinical Trials.

No fault compensation for human clinical trials.

(This cover is not provided in the US and Canada).

Combined Liability Policy (HDI) which includes Product and Product Liability

Legal liability for the payment of damages in respect of accidental injury to a person.

UCL Clinical Trial Insurance Policy

The լƵ clinical trial insurance policy provides indemnity to UCL, its staff and students who are conducting UCL sponsored interventional clinical research and includes two types of cover:

  • Cover for negligent claims made by research participants and others (Legal Liability)
  • Cover for non-negligent harm to study participants or others, that is compensation to participants where negligence cannot, or is not proven (no-fault compensation).

The policy includes cover for members (both internal and external to UCL) of IDMC, TSC or other committees where members are working on behalf of UCL or at its direction.

UCL Combined Liability Policy (incorporates Public and Product Liability Insurance Policies)

The UCL Combined Liability Policy (covering both Public and Product Liability) provides indemnity to UCL, its staff and students who are conducting UCL sponsored non-interventional, non-statutory, non-invasive trials/ research projectswhich do not fall under the Clinical Trials Regulations or Medical Device Regulations.

The լƵ combined liability policy (Public and Products Liability) provides cover for claims made by research participants and others for

a) accidental Bodily Injury*

b) accidental property damage

c) Other “legal liability” contingencies neither expected nor intended from the standpoint of the Insured

* ’Bodily Injury’ means accidental a) injury b) sickness c) disease d) death including but not by way of limitation mental injury and shock

Whilst most clinical research studies will be automatically covered by either policy, there are some policy exclusions that will require referral to the insurer and may require additional cover. In these instances, a referral must be made to the insurer and alternative options will be sought for consideration by the Chief Investigator or Sponsor Representative

For all research involving Products manufactured by UCL, it is essential that a referral is made to the broker via the UCL Insurance Manager to confirm the Product is automatically covered. Appropriate insurance policies must be in place for the research project and the product.

The definition of Products does not extend to include Apps / Software (Medical or otherwise) therefore separate insurance cover (and associated additional premium) will be required for any studies involving such apps/software.

For a study obtaining UCL sponsorship via the JRO to be covered under UCL's insurance an Insurance Registration Form(s) must be completed. If appropriate registration and review of a study is not undertaken researchers may be personally liable for any claims:

  • a UCL Insurance Registration Form -Interventional Clinical Studies is completed for every UCL sponsored interventional study.
  • a UCL Insurance Registration Form - Public Liability is completed for every UCL sponsored non-interventional, non-statutory, non-invasive trials/ research projects which do not fall under the Clinical Trials Regulations or Medical Device Regulations.
  • a UCL Insurance Registration form - Product Liability is completed in addition to the insurance registration forms detailed above for every UCL sponsored trial involving a product manufactured by UCL (i.e. ‘Product’ – see definition above). It should also be completed for any study involving a commercially sourced product which լƵ is manipulating or if UCL have outsourced the manufacturing to an external organisation. If a commercial manufacturer has provided the drug or device and UCL has not altered it this form does not need completing.

լƵ insurance policy is re-negotiated each year. The policy runs from 1 Augustwith cover notes issued for one year. Yearly renewal ensures that appropriate clinical trials insurance provisions are continuously in place for the research portfolio.

A note summarising the terms and conditions of the policy and acover note is available fromjro.sponsorship@ucl.ac.uk.

Who to contact

The UCL and UCLH Joint Research Office administers the insurance form on behalf of UCL for all UCL sponsored clinical research studies managed by the JRO.