
Joint Research Office


Enterprise secondment awards just set up

14 January 2013

UCL staff wanting to engage with companies, social enterprises, charities and other non-academic organisations can now apply for the Enterprise Secondment Awards.

Upcoming submission deadlines:

21 February 2013
9 May 2013
4 July 2013

Applications are reviewed and prioritised according to their impact or their effect on building longer-term research partnerships.

These kind of impacts will be monitored through outcomes such as new jobs, public engagement, scientific dissemination and follow-on activity. Follow on activity includes business start-ups, new collaborations with clear potential for Intellectual Property development and the development of longer- term research partnerships. The prospective benefits to project stakeholders (e.g. secondee, UCL, external partner) will also be considered.

Proposals must meet certain criteria; should be for no more than £50K for 1-6 months' work and should have approval and support from the Head of Department before application.

Secondments will be supported for all career stages, with direct costs funded: salary, National Insurance and pension costs, reasonable travel and subsistence, appropriate consumables.Ìý

For further information and for access to an application form please visit the .