
UCL Centre for Languages & International Education (CLIE)


Level 2

Prerequisite for entry

Successful completion of French syllabus level 1+ at UCL Centre for Languages & International Education or a low GCSE grade (or equivalent).

Term duration

10 x 2-hour classes.

Aims and objectives

The aim of the course is to give students an opportunity to revise their survival skills and acquire more sophisticated ways of dealing with practical matters.Ìý This includes revision and consolidation of vocabulary, grammar, morphology, syntax and phonetics. Cultural awareness will be developed.


  • Relating stories and events in the past
  • Expressing tastes and preferences
  • Asking and expressing an opinion
  • Giving advice

Course content

Main topics/themes to be covered:

  • Talking about your past (memories)
  • Talking about habits at work
  • Talking about your living environment
  • Talking about leisure, holidays…
  • Talking about recent future plans

Linguistic Structures/ Phonetics

Basic rules of the pronunciation of spoken French


  • Passé composé
  • Direct pronouns: le,la,l’,les
  • Indirect pronouns : lui, leur
  • Pronouns (en, ça)
  • Negative structure (ne…plus)
  • Use of trop/assez + adjective, trop de/assez de + noun.
  • Use of tout, toute, tous, toutes
  • Reflexive verbs in the imperative, present and past
  • il faut + infinitive
  • Futur proche
  • Use of pour + infinitive to express a goal

Learning resources


  • Course book: Le Nouveau Taxi 1 (leçons 18-26), Guy Capelle and Robert Menand, Hachette.
  • Exercise book: Grammaire Progressive du Français, Niveau débutant, Maïa Grégoire, Clé International.
  • In addition there is a wide range of language learning materials for self-study in the Self-Access Centre.

Bilingual Dictionaries (Collins/Robert) Pocket edition

Useful websites