
UCL Faculty of Laws


Blockchain and the Law

26 April 2018, 3:00 pm–7:00 pm

Blockchain and the law

Event Information

Open to



UCL Centre for Law, Economics & Society



Organised by the UCL Centre for Law, Economics and Society

About the Workshop

The workshop deals with emergent economic, political and legal phenomena in the field of FinTech. It pursues two distinct goals. First, it intends to generate awareness and facilitate a better understanding of the actors, phenomena and dynamics of the new financial order. Second, it explores the political and legal implications of financial and technological innovation based on blockchain technology. These debates will constitute the basis of an edited volume that introduces practitioners and researchers to the regulatory and political challenges of blockchain technologies and its diverse uses.

The Speakers:

  • Dr Matteo Aquilina, Financial Conduct Authority
  • Dr. Tomaso Aste, Chair, UCL Blockchain Institute
  • Thomas Bertani, CEO of Oraclize and EIDOO & Yannis Stamelakos, Oraclize
  • Victoria Birch, Partner, Norton Rose Fullbright
  • Prof. Iris Chiu, UCL Laws
  • Dr Anna Donovan, UCL Laws
  • Florian Glatz, President of the German blockchain association (Bundesblock)
  • Dr. Philipp Hacker, Humboldt University Berlin
  • Robert Kilian, General Counsel, N26
  • Julian Leitloff, Co-founder & CEO of Fractal Blockchain
  • Prof. Ioannis Lianos, UCL Faculty of Laws
  • Dr. Deni Mantzari, University of Reading
  • Michael McKee, Partner, DLA Pipper
  • Ben Whitby, Director of Compliance, TokenCard

Learning Outcomes:

This event will introduce legal practitioners and researchers to the regulatory and political challenges of blockchain technologies and its diverse uses.

View the Programme

14:45 Registration

15:00 Panel 1: Fintech and Blockchain: State of play of the industry
Chaired by Dr. Philipp Hacker, Humboldt University Berlin

  • Julian Leitloff, Co-founder & CEO of Fractal Blockchain
  • Florian Glatz, President of the German blockchain association (Bundesblock)
  • Thomas Bertani, CEO of Oraclize and EIDOOÌý
  • Robert Kilian, General Counsel, N26
  • Ben Whitby, Director of Compliance, TokenCard

16:00: Break

16.15 Panel 2: Blockchain and Fintech: Emerging legal issues

17:30 Panel 3: Fintech, Blockchain and the Law: Regulatory Challenges

  • Dr Matteo Aquilina, Financial Conduct Authority
  • Dr. Tomaso Aste, Chair, UCL Blockchain Institute
  • Prof. Ioannis Lianos, UCL Faculty of Laws (Chair)
  • Robert Kilian, General Counsel, N26
  • Prof. Iris Chiu, UCL Laws
  • Ben Whitby, Director of Compliance, TokenCard

18.45 Q&A
19:00 Drinks reception


If you have any queries about this event please contact Lisa Penfold in the UCL Laws events team

Download the slides



