

UCL Faculty of Laws


Yale-UCL workshop in legal philosophy launched

30 October 2015

UCL Laws and Yale have launched a new series of collaborative workshops in legal philosophy

The Thinker

Jointly convened by UCL Laws’ Professor George Letsas and Professor Scott Shapiro from Yale Law School, the Yale-UCL Workshop in Legal Philosophy will feature work in progress presented by researchers from both universities, as well as invited speakers from other institutions.

The workshop series will run on an annual basis for an initial period of three years, and will comprise six seminars over the year, hosted equally between Yale and UCL.

Professor of the Philosophy of Law,  said: “I am really excited about the Yale-UCL workshop. Yale and UCL are very similar in their inter-disciplinary approach to legal scholarship and the value they place on philosophical theorising about law.

The exchange of ideas between the two sides of the Atlantic has benefited jurisprudence enormously in the past and can help make progress in understanding the more complex role that law plays in the contemporary world.”

This year’s programme for the Yale-UCL Workshops include papers by Oona Hathaway and Scott Shapiro (Yale), Amia Srinivasan (UCL Philosophy), Seth Lazar (Australian National University), Ի (UCL Laws), and Gideon Yaffe (Yale).